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Planning assigns cancellation population what is the population of china count the 'high cost' Count would cost US $ 2.6 billion, not provided for in Budget what is the population of china 2015. To rebalance accounts, government adopted spending restriction policy.
The Ministry of Planning said on Thursday (26) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will not perform the population count in 2016 due to the "high cost" survey, estimated at $ 2.6 billion.
Since the beginning of the year the government has taken steps to reduce spending and rebalance accounts, the so-called fiscal adjustment. Also sent to Congress projects that increase revenue or decrease the Union spending.
According to the planning, other studies, such as the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) and the Census of Agriculture 2017 "considered of fundamental importance," will be held.
"The realization of the Population Count 2016 can not be performed due to its high cost, estimated at $ 2.6 billion, which is not foreseen in the 2015 budget," the folder in a statement.
Also in the note, the folder highlighted have established with the IBGE the projects to be developed by the institute what is the population of china in 2015 and 2016 amid existing what is the population of china budgetary and financial constraints, "in the same way that all federal public administration".
Since the beginning of the week government ministers have said that President Dilma Rousseff asked to folders that have the Presidential Palace and the essential programs that can not be harmed by the blockade in the Budget to be announced.
Rousseff announced last week at an event in Eldorado do Sul (RS) that the cuts, technically called "contingency", will be "significant". The budget was approved on May 17 by the National Congress and has yet to be sanctioned. After the penalty, Dilma will have 30 days to publish the cuts in the "Official Gazette".
Population Count the day in 2016 The Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) established the planning of projects to be developed by IBGE in 2015/16, from the existing budget and financial constraints, the Like all the federal what is the population of china public administration.
The realization of the Population Count 2016 can not be held in s function
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