Sunday, April 12, 2015

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RIO DE JANEIRO - The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics what ethnicity is bruno mars (IBGE) concentrate efforts, from now on, in planning the Agricultural Census of 2016 and the redefinition of the work plan of the Territorial Base and Address Register, with the cancellation of the count the population of next year.
In internal bulletin, issued to its employees, IBGE, announced that the count of the population can not be made because, for that, preparations should be also started in 2015.
The IBGE said through his press office, that the postponement of the research results from the cut in the agency's budget for this year. The IBGE reiterated, however, that is prepared to do all the research. What prevents the population count is the cut in the budget, not a problem inside the institution. The count has an estimated cost of US $ 2.6 billion.
The institute reported that other studies will be preserved, considered fundamental for macroeconomic radiography of the country, including the System of National Accounts, the National Research by Household Sample (PNAD Continuous) and the Household Budget Survey.
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Related average household income per capita of the Brazilian R $ 1,052, says IBGE IBGE survey shows drop in unemployment in 2014 According what ethnicity is bruno mars to IBGE: Brazil has 202 million inhabitants IBGE says that 46% of Brazilians what ethnicity is bruno mars do f activity enough silica Marriage between same sex amounted to nearly 4000 in 2013
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