Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Within population of edmonton the government setting Dilma Rousseff, cutting the federal budget is

Within population of edmonton the government setting Dilma Rousseff, cutting the federal budget is already affecting the activities to be developed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The counting of the population scheduled for next year has been canceled "due population of edmonton to budgetary restraint," the direction in internal statement.
In the message, the direction of the IBGE, chaired by Wasmália Bivar, population of edmonton said the Ministry population of edmonton of Planning warned on Monday of this week, it will be "impossible to conduct the population count in 2016". Initially scheduled for 2015, the research had already been postponed for next year also by lack of resources. The statement stresses that the decision was made "despite the institution be technically prepared for the achievement" of the research.
Data from population counts are passed by the IBGE the Union because of a requirement of Law 8443 of 16 July 1992. The information is used as the basis for calculating the transfer of the Municipal Participation Fund (FPM). Without the research, IBGE only sends the estimates of the population, which now serve as the basis for calculating the amount to be received.
The cut in the value of the budget population of edmonton for population survey had been informed in September last year, but the direction of the IBGE tried since then, reverse the decision population of edmonton of the ministry to which it is linked.
The study, involving about 80,000 enumerators, has an estimated cost of 1 billion. To conduct the survey in 2016, the IBGE had to begin now to plan the acquisition of infrastructure and hiring temporary. In addition to counting, further research may be threatened population of edmonton this year if the government does not approve a call for tender for replacement of retired employees, said Wasmália the heads of state units of IBGE in videoconference held yesterday afternoon, as the state was found. population of edmonton The staff of the institute, however, population of edmonton denied the statement.
The direction said in a statement that the IBGE "now will concentrate on planning the Agricultural population of edmonton Census 2016 and the redefinition population of edmonton of the work plan of the Territorial Base and Address Registration". The Agricultural Census was carried out for the last time in 2007. Internal Bulletin September already reported that the cuts in the 2015 Federal Budget also impede population of edmonton the research.
- The completion of the Census of Agriculture is very important for the industry and various other aspects of national life, ranging from important social issues such as food security and family agriculture, macroeconomic issues population of edmonton such as food prices and the trade balance - it said.
- It is essential that all remain mobilized and structured around these operations we have been developing - added the direction of the body. When contacted, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Planning was not found.
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