- Explanation of terms, performance activities, institutions, organizations, personalities, which are an essential part of the Roma cultural heritage how many seasons of weeds are there and contemporary cultural, social how many seasons of weeds are there and political life not only in Slovakia.
City: Clays Region: Prešov District: Vranov Region: Horny Zemplin Area: 1457 ha Total population: 1,794 Approximate number of Roma 1024 Number identify themselves as Roma: 81 Population density: 113 people per 1 km2 Economy in the village (the company farm team): There are two companies: GREENFORM, Ltd. earth Lykotex Slovakia, sro, aluminum, and local businesses. Employment opportunities: At GREENFORM, Ltd., or Lykotex Slovakia, sro majority population Religion: Greek Catholic Church: 1064 Roman Catholic Church: 421 Evangelical Church: 142 Religion Roma population: Byzantine Catholic Church: 900 Brethren Church: 27 Apostolic Church: 14 Christian sect : Jehovah's Witnesses: 47 In 2013, on the occasion of the Feast of All Souls, the community involved in the manufacture of mourning wreaths together with 20 Roma women. Women helping how many seasons of weeds are there professional florist. Village's history: The first written mention clay is from 1333, since he worked Šoltýs and new settlers. The village name is derived from the word ,, clay "and how many seasons of weeds are there apparently was connected with the work carried out by locals dedicated mainly how many seasons of weeds are there farmland. In the 18th to 19th centuries. the residents deal with carting, fellers and weaving. Participated in the peasant uprising in 1831. From 1890 to 1910, many residents moved out, for the first Czechoslovakia were farmers and weaving. After the 2nd World War saw the development of the village, where in 1952 built a trepáreň flax in 1958 was based JRD. The first written mention of the Roma community in the census of Gypsies in Zemplínska stool from 1771, according to which at that time resided in the village Gypsy František Kandra family. In the 70 years she worked in the village Roma band and dance group Slanské mountains. Together they participated in the making of the film Džav adarik. how many seasons of weeds are there In 1975 was built two-class nursery school for Roma children in nearby villages. In the 90s dance group participated in the International Festival of Roma in Brno - guardhouse. The most common Romani surnames include: Bužo, Goroľ, Mitáč, Tancoš. Local government: The local council is represented by Roma Successful projects aimed at Roma: Regeneration cities Hlinné how many seasons of weeds are there - Infrastructure - This project is carried out in the period 9/2013 - 12/2014, underway for roads, sewers, water, electricity, high voltage and low voltage wiring connections Flood protection in the village of clay - update Hlinsko.The Uhliskového stream treatment two footbridges over Uhlinský how many seasons of weeds are there and Hlinský stream in the settlement construction of community center, which is located directly in the settlement, 15-unit how many seasons of weeds are there housing - construction started in 2006, 10-byte unit - built in the settlement in 2008, sewers and treatment plants. Social work: work in the village, three social how many seasons of weeds are there workers and two assistants, how many seasons of weeds are there field social how many seasons of weeds are there worker. Elementary school: in the village primary school pupils attending 1st grade 1st to 4th year High Schools: Middle Schools Association Wood in Vranov Topľou, Secondary Vocational School Alexander Dubcek in Vranov Topľou, combined Čaklov School, Business Academy in Vranov topľou, Grammar School in Vranov Topľou, Social and Academy Košice. Awards for students in the arts, knowledge or sporting competitions: Christian Kindrik how many seasons of weeds are there - awarded several times in football. Events: There is annually held event on the occasion how many seasons of weeds are there of International Roma Day, regularly prepare General feast of St. Cyril and Methodius, which included a Roma pupils, and in October how many seasons of weeds are there the village organized a meeting with pensioners entitled Respect for elders, in which they participate and Romani inhabitants. Theatre, Roma dance groups, music groups: The village has a Roma band Classic. Awards for Roma in sport, culture and other areas: competition Gypsy Nightingale - several how many seasons of weeds are there times awarded how many seasons of weeds are there Imrich Goroľ. Things on Roma: Our citizen Juraj Goroľ a wood carver. His articles have been exposed in the center of Vranov, working in a sheltered workshop in the village Čičava.
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ACTIVITIES theater film documents the history of music institutions blacksmith traveling cuisine culture literature Towns media organizations how many seasons of weeds are there PERSONALITY policy terms Romology Romani society ENTITIES how many seasons of weeds are there traditional crafts traditions EVENTS Education Fine Arts of controversy
OUR WORLD mission Amari LUMA - 1. Roma multimedia encyclopedia is to bring the world of Roma through explanations of terms, performance activities, institutions, organizations, personalities, which are an essential part of the Roma cultural
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