Sunday, April 26, 2015

Open Data City: Our idea was to provide a tool that everyone can use and may not embed. Why was gre

In Germany 1.5 million inhabitants live less than previously thought. This is presented as a central finding of the current census, whose results were released today. Open Data activists created in record time visualization of the data. Criticism from privacy advocates, there is little - in contrast to earlier.
Two years ago, found to comply with European legislation, the new census was taken. Known in Germany under the label of the 2011 census, building and housing censuses and households surveys were conducted. Led the planned census in the 1980s still massive upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan protests, boycotts, the rampage upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan ritual on May Day in Berlin and the fundamental right to informational self-determination, this time only a small group of privacy advocates urged to criticism. The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection requests that the census upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan is "data protection laws" designed.
Today the Federal Statistical Office presented the results of the census. The most important data is being cited and presented by all media. Exciting for are data "in its smallest division of a downloadable file," upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan which will be published for the first time. Four data types are available as CSV: Core Features population (gender, German / foreigners, 5 age groups) the census of 9.5.2011 and population statistics 30.4.2011 (gender, birth years after 5 groups) Selected socio-demographic data (employment, education, migration upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan , religion) Selected data for buildings and dwellings (ownership rate, vacancy rate, average living space, building age, etc.)
Open Data City: We had, like other colleagues, a couple of times before the phone with the Federal Statistical Office. Our contact there were very helpful. First it was said that the release of the data in an entire file (CSV / XLS) within the meaning of open data was not possible. Not least because of wrangling between federal and state governments. Fortunately, but then came the news that today it is the entire data is also published to download completely - and not just on their web tool rather complicated.
Open Data City: A few hours after the publication of which is difficult to assess. We can assume that the craft was made correctly by the statistical offices. Publication as CSV / XLS files including explanations is helpful. The political dimension of census is a different debate. Contrary to 1987 there were almost no time critical and wiederständische accompaniment. And concepts such as "migrant" could argue indefinitely.
Open Data City: Well, the focus on other priorities. And we are now recorded on building upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan interactive applications. Right now we sit seven of them: Someone for map server, another one for the server, two people upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan at the front end and three data Editors / programmers.
Open Data City: Our idea was to provide a tool that everyone can use and may not embed. Why was great that the Federal Agency for Civic Education sponsors the. The sets anyway on the free Creative Commons Attribution License. The analysis of each can make himself; we care once the publication and then to the evaluation.
I would have liked, that will not be forgotten in this so much for statistics lovers day, the circumstances under which these results have been accomplished. And associated with the 2011 census delicate, the entire population comprehensive collection of data by people from refugee centers, women's shelters, Disabled dormitories and all provided with an information block people unfortunately remain unmentioned. This data acquisition raises the question: has the abstract structure of a state beyond all well-intentioned Datenschutzbedinungen the right to collect such information, and so the use of force and - supposedly and supposedly safe - to save? Looking back on our past, I am against this billion-euro project.
Andre accompanied since its inception and blogging upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan since 2007 more or less regular basis. Since 2012, this hobby is his profession. He studied social sciences in Berlin and worked there network issues. Andre accompanied a scene contexts such as stock AK, AK censorship, CCC, EDRi and Digital Society. He also works as a system administrator, the mail server of has set up and use him like. Contact Email (OpenPGP) Twitter:andre_meister Phone: + 49-30-92105-987 (on working hours), Crypto Phone: + 807-15299072
A very different idea; I asked around among friends and like wi

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