Thursday, April 9, 2015

The employed population (22.8 million) fell 1% compared to January and remained stable compared to

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The IBGE released on Thursday (27) the Monthly number of weeks in a year Employment Survey. According to the data, the unemployment rate in Brazil in February was 5.9%, up 0.6 percentage point compared to January (5.3%) and increased 0.8 percentage points compared to February last year ( 5.1%). The unemployed population (1.4 million people) increased by 10.2% (over 131,000 people) compared to January and 14.1% (over 176,000 people) compared to February 2014. In Santa Catarina, in 2014 there was 30% reduction in the balance of vacancies formais.Para the Fecomércio SC, the increase in the unemployment rate this month is strongly related to economic stagnation in the last quarter, the fall in business confidence indices and the prospect of recession in 2015. These factors retract the demand for employment by businesses and can be viewed in the reduced number of job creation. number of weeks in a year Also there was a decrease of -1.41% in the real average income of workers in February compared to January. This is a factor that in the future further push the unemployment rate because with less income in the family, the trend is that more people leave to seek employment, which in recent years was not being observed.
The employed population (22.8 million) fell 1% compared to January and remained stable compared to February 2014. The non-economically active population (19.4 million people) was stable compared to January and increased 2.3 % (more 443,000 people) compared to February 2014.
The number of registered workers in the private sector (11.6 million) was stable in the monthly comparison and in the annual. The average real income of employed persons (R $ 2,163.20) fell 1.4% compared to January (R $ 2,194.22) and decreased by 0.5% compared to February 2014 (R $ 2,174.35). The volume of real average income (R $ 50.0 billion in February 2015) fell 2.5% compared to January and fell 1.5% year on year. The volume of real income actually earned (R $ 50.7 billion in January 2015) fell 19.8% over December and decreased 1.4% compared to January 2015.
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