Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In July numerous submissions have been added to the database, which now contains a total of 2,936,7

Contents 1 Genealogentag 1.1 Genealogentag in Augsburg 2 Project Information 2.1 casualty lists 2.2 DigiBib / Address Books 2.3 Online OFB 2.4 Announcements 2.5 Genealogical Gazetteer 3 Internet 3.1 dead piece of paper from Tyrol 3.2 New FamilySearch 3.3 US Social Security Index 3.4 US Census 1940 3.5 oxygenator research cifre program 4 Software 4.1 GHome 5 Knowledge 5.1 Dutchman from Cologne 5.2 Purchasing Power Calculator 5.3 Geno 2.0 6 Archive 6.1 North Badische able Books 7 Media 7.1 New AMF publications 7.2 KB Mülheim / Ruhr 8 Kaleidoscope 8.1 German Genealogy Museum 8.2 Alliance of Professional Genealogists 9 read in .. . 9.1 MyHeritage Blog 10 Dates 10.1 Low German Conference 10.2 10.3 7. Genealogietag Luxembourg Genealogy Calendar in GenWiki 11 Imprint
Already registered? From 31.08-03.09.2012 place in Augsburg the 64th German Genealogentag place in Augsburg. Organizer is the Bavarian Society cifre for Family History eV, Munich. The Bezirksgruppe Schwaben has compiled an attractive program of lectures, excursions, guided tours and the exhibition of genealogical associations and suppliers from all over Germany, which you can download here. Visiting the exhibition is free, for attending the lectures Your contribution is requested. Please register here.
The Association cifre for Computer Genealogy is also represented with its stand. Presentations of our members and the Bavarian GenWiki-supervisor informed about the research contacts (Uli Heist), the Digital Library - the genealogical digital library (Andreas job), the online cifre collection project "casualty lists of World War 1" (Marie-Luise Carl), the GOV - the Genealogical and Historical cifre Gazetteer (Peter Lingnau) and GenWiki - the Wiki for genealogists also in Bavaria (Günter Thürheimer, editor of the Bayern-GenWiki Pages).
A detailed explanation for collecting data from the casualty lists of World War 1 by the Association for Computer Genealogy is Jesper Zedlitz in two short video screencast broadcasts on Youtube: first steps and the navigation you can use to selectively edit pages of the casualty list. Refer also to the project information and project information. This allows you to quickly and easily join the collection. It's super easy. DigiBib / address books
In June / July new online address books were stored in the Digital Library and are available for volunteers cifre who want to write: Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis / address 1939 Krefeld-Uerdingen / Address 1931-32 Cologne / address 1930 Augsburg / 1881 Dusseldorf address / address 1856 Siegkreis / Address Book 1955-56
All news can be found in the address book newsletter. About 40 other address books are currently scanned. There are also numerous other address books that are kept available for the collection: books editor. How to get involved in the project you can learn here. PS: the best club for scanning procured for Computer cifre Genealogy address books are to be sold to procurement price. Maybe your favorite address is? Why not visit our address cifre book sales side, we also look forward to your and your support! For the project team and on behalf of the Society cifre for Computer Genealogy I thank you very much for all assets. (Marie-Luise Carl) online OFB
With numerous additions the database cifre of online local heritage books has grown to 332 online OFBs where 4,325,365 people are included. Most individuals and hits list the Memelland- and the NLF Family database of the Lower Saxony Association for Family cifre History e. V. (NLF) with 254,040 or 273,159 people or about 12 or 10 million hits.
In an article in the FamilySearch Associate Sonja Ruth Hoeke-Nishimoto in FamilySearch blog to look at the German local kinship books and our GenWiki list of local heritage books and online cifre OFBs is thrown. Personal column
In July numerous submissions have been added to the database, which now contains a total of 2,936,759 records. More information is available under (Hans Jürgen Wolf) Genealogical gazetteer
All news about the Genealogical Place Register (GOV) can be read in GOV / Newsletter. The basics of GOV set forth in GenWiki. Editor of GenWiki GOV sites with data here help pages. Maps and graphs for statistical development of GOV can be found here.
About 11500 names of images of death / -zetteln cifre are online and available to all Tirol researchers free of charge. The names come from all parts of Tyrol from 1795 to modern times and has been compiled by Christine Schwemberger. This database is thanks to the accumulated amount of death images continuously erwe

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