Thursday, August 14, 2014

14 Arrested and Two Injured in Confrontations between Sidor Workers and Venezuelan National Guard -

"No quieren el ejercicio pleno de los derechos de los consumidores" - *El jefe de Gabinete defendió la iniciativa oficial para reformar la Ley de Abastecimiento, la Ley de Defensa del Consumidor y la Ley de Defensa population distribution de la Co...
Rajoy destaca la necesidad de una política europea "clara y contundente" contra la inmigración ilegal population distribution - El presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, ha destacado este jueves la necesidad de contar con una política europea "clara y contundente" contra la inmig...
New Family Detention Centers Hold Immigrant Women and Children Without population distribution Bond as Asylum Claims Pend - The Obama administration has opened two new family detention centers to hold hundreds of women and children from Central America who fled to the United Sta...
The American Response to ISIS: They’re Patterns, population distribution Not Coincidences - The wide wake that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is leaving across the Levant is mysterious in a number of ways. How they have so easily overw...
14 Arrested and Two Injured in Confrontations between Sidor Workers and Venezuelan National Guard - Clashes between protesting workers at the state-owned steel plant Sidor and the Venezuelan National Guard on Monday in the southeastern city of Guyana en...
Öbor känner sig förbisedda i turismsatsning - *Över fyra år efter den förödande jordbävningen i Haiti satsar regeringen stort på turism. Men regeringens största population distribution turismsatsning på ön Île-à-Vache population distribution i det...
Encuesta: Uruguayos aprueban gestión de 'Pepe' Mujica - Una encuesta population distribution publicada recientemente population distribution indica population distribution que 57 por ciento de los uruguayos siente simpatía por su presidente, José 'Pepe' Mujica, mientras que 51 por cie...
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Afrika en "jämbördig partner ", Afrika en "möjlighet", det är EU:s säljande paket i toppmötet som hålls i Portugal mella...
USA (60) Irak (53) Colombia (52) Venezuela (44) Honduras (35) Bolivia (33) Palestina (28) EU (24) Chile (20) Afghanistan (18) Libyen (17) Latinamerika

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