Friday, August 1, 2014

Spot September 22, 2012 12:49

will decide which model you you :-)! All other participants and participants, I would like to thank for their loyalty and effort, biggest countries in the world do not be sad - this was surely not the last draw which there has been here! And ... maybe I have even a little "consolation treat" for you in the next few days,
raid the, for a ll currently out of print bags at Shootbag are expected at the end of next week again available - so you have to be patient you a tiny bit if you want to have a particular model.
Oh yeah! Let's celebrate! Because life is so beautiful :-) Thanks for the hug. And of course back! Liebstens Veronika Reply Delete
Now it's me again ... Hab grad looked at the statistics. biggest countries in the world 7 of the 10 most common birthdays are in September (19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th) - apparently, the holidays seem to Christmas and New Year a positive impact on procreation behavior ...: D Liebstens Veronika Reply Delete
and your pillow is beautiful - yes, I am at the moment on curry and gold colors ;-) Happy Austrians and the winner! biggest countries in the world And then a beautiful WE, sincerely, Barbara Reply Delete
Spot September 22, 2012 12:48
Dear Nora, congratulations to the Gewinerin and to all the birthday girls in Austria! Have a great day ALL and you, dear Nora, of course!! Happy weekend wishes Claudia Reply Delete
A very thick handle biggest countries in the world sends the love Nora the Bine. Because as far as I can remember, but today is YOUR birthday?? All the very best and the fulfillment of all your dreams. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful day today. Congratulations, Bine Reply Delete
Spot September 22, 2012 12:49
Dear Nora, the winner of this great giveaways my congratulations! And you lirbe Nora all the best on your birthday! I wish you a great day all around! Thicknesses biggest countries in the world birthday oppressors and best wishes, Birgit Reply Delete
Dear Nora, I wish you to your birthday today .. All the best and a lot of nice people on your side that you verwöhnen.Lass it really well gehen.Mit love you sincerely, Edith. Reply Delete
Dear Nora! With me is big and fat Calendar "Nora dots birthday" and so I'm umärmeln turn to you sometime very strong! Hope you have quite a lot of love mensché biggest countries in the world to you that you celebrate! From my side a deafening HAPPY BIRTHDAY biggest countries in the world and a gigantic brilliant new age with health and happiness! Busserl, Gabriella! Reply Delete
Oh so many reasons to celebrate! First of all, congratulations to the winner, and a lot of fun with the new bag! Of course biggest countries in the world you all love birthday, enjoy your day and let yourself be pampered right from your loved ones! <3liche biggest countries in the world Greetings biggest countries in the world Katrin Delete Reply
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