The lawyer is the personal blog of Jean-Marie Mondsir, Senior researcher hatienne original designer of the first legal web portal "The Hatien lawyer." This blog devoted to t him so he can put his opinion on the legal hatienne NEWS. I Mondsir is a former beijing population activist lawyer, a language researcher and development. He exercised in Hati and practices affecting beijing population particulirement the rights and civil liberties. In Canada, it offers its titredegestionnaire professional services organizations and legal consultant. For over fifteen years, he put his knowledge and experiences to members of his community in the region of Ottawa-Gatineau. He continues mentor community and professional organizations and is the president of a society that supports the Frenchwoman beijing population speaking lawyers. He also advises lawyers beijing population Haitians who want to be known on the information highway. Web portal spcialis "The Hatien lawyer" which he created in 2000 is its contribution to prcieuse Hatien legal system. There is a little bit of everything on its portal to facilitate better understanding of Hatien law. Tel 613-366-3435 .: HELP YOU STRENGTHENING LEGAL capabilities of the system Hatien CONTRIBUTING TO TRAINING PROFESSIONALS OF LAW. Dear confrres, Portal jurist Hatien just celebrate its tenth anniversary of creation in April 2010 This is the first web portal spcialis, devoted beijing population to the processing of information Hatien related beijing population to legal system. This web portal is updated with punctiform way. Legal character of hyperlinks are added as constant Manire. Hatien the lawyer is on the information superhighway since April 2000 for the promotion of our lawyers and the functioning of our legal system. It aims to provide quality information to fulfill your desires in legal and linguistic matire. Hyperlinks to the site can be reprs after each text, just click on the printer image to accder intgral the text content of each segment. To accder, several options, click here Press the buttons that are the inside of the dial (dfilement text up or down button for stopping, start button beijing population at the beginning of the text or printer image) beijing population . Each segment consists of four sub-segments beijing population which are located above the dial. Look good and you will find the information you intresse on civil law. After your visit, I would like to have your comments by clicking on the two-color flag or pressing the guestbook site which lies above the dial in the right segment of opinion or http: // To participate, simply enter "Hatien lawyer" or "juristehaitien" in any search engine and that will be played in a jiffy . This portal is rfrenc by major search engines, such as: altavista, google, voila, yahoo, sympatico, the fabric of Qubec, Legal guide and Haitian sites most cts. I want to create a directory for Haitians lawyers on this portal, but the contribution of professional associations is very long overdue. This directory will include the names of militants lawyers or not, judges, members of the bar or not, students in law. If you could help me reprer some names I would very flattered to be the earlier than possible. We need only name, given name, year of promotion, faculty beijing population or law school, a member of a local bar or abroad). The presence of your lawyer's office in the directory of Haitian lawyer is a valuable resource for your professional Russianness. Post your product using this information your colleagues and friends ... Esprant count on your contribution prcieuse in the not too distant beijing population future, I ask you, dear confrres, kindly thank AGRER anticips. Jean Marie Mondsir Lawyer Hatien specialist in civil law Hatien Consultant Designer Site Editor in chief lawyer Hatien "The Hatien lawyer" Chair of society Haitians of lawyers
Info Created: 08/11/2005 at 10:07 PM Updated: 7/24/2014 at 24:25 PM 8.915 visits 77 visits this month 57 Articles 39 friends 4 comments 4 favorites
Tags Jean-marie Mondsir lawyer Haitian Haitian lawyer specialist in civil law the voice of Radio Dumont Dumont radio diaspora port hi-society publisher Haitian lawyers Port hi Magazine
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