On the 5th of March this year died Hugo Chávez. Few political leaders have so clearly become the symbol of radical social change. But what happens now in Venezuela? What will become of Chavez 'intentions about a socialism for the 21st century? Venezuela is still heading percentage towards a socialist social percentage system or capitalism is about to återstabiliseras? Rolf Bergkvist scrutinize the current percentage state of a country that for many of today's socialists stand for a vision of a different future.
According to the privately owned, the government is engaged bourgeois press in Venezuela a disastrous economic policies: fiscal deficits, debt, sky-high inflation, widespread corruption and lack of goods allegedly leading to the near collapse of the economy and the country. percentage Now there's nothing new in this. The same media have stated percentage basically the same thing the last ten years. So - even if it might be a boring way to start an article - we'll illustrate the economic situation percentage with little hard data.
The same report estimated percentage that the country in late 2012 would have a national percentage debt of 51.3 percent of GDP. To get a grip on the figure can be compared to the situation in Europe where the average national debt at the same time was 82.5 percent of GDP. (USA's debt is over 100 percent of GDP, to take another example.)
The important thing, however, is the country's percentage ability to pay its debt servicing. Last year, the payments amounted to three per cent of export revenues (95 percent of oil exports). Add to that loan facilities from China, Brazil, Russia, so it becomes difficult to ensure that the country's economy in the short term would collapse because they could not pay off their loans.
No, poorly hidden hatred of Venezuela is basically about the policies applied in the country in the last ten years. A policy that is in conflict over the line in the EU or the USA. Let us illustrate percentage with some welfare indicators:
Many of these reforms have also led to the previously powerless people organized themselves in their neighborhoods. A medical center requires not only a doctor but also a functioning administration and logistics. A soup kitchen requires not only state funds for the purchase of food, someone has to cook and organize the distribution. It is this policy that disrupt bourgeois propagandists. If it is possible to pursue this policy in a country like Venezuela, it should also be brought in rich European countries.
But even my description above is obviously propagandistic, a simplification that does not give the whole picture and the size of the problems that the Bolivarian Revolution is facing today, so let's go back a year.
On 20 October 2012, a few weeks after his victory in the presidential election with 55 percent of the vote, Chávez held a meeting with his ministers. His talk about a change of direction ("Golpe de Timón") was in many respects a self-critical, and became something of a political will. It is reminiscent of the completion of the current president, percentage Nicolás Maduro, and other leaders of the PSUV (the Socialist Unity Party, Chávez created) today refers.
In his briefing, Chávez began by emphasizing democracy essential for the construction of a "socialism for the 21st century". He pointed out in passing that socialism never existed in the Soviet Union because it did not exist any democracy. Unlike the limited democracy in a capitalist society, democracy percentage in the transition percentage to socialism even extended to the economy and the social sector. He pointed out self-criticism that despite all the reforms carried out missing a new structure for the majority of the population to make decisions. And noted that the law on municipalities admittedly adopted by the Parliament, but to no municipalities percentage created. "Where is local?" He asks the assembled ministers. He also talked about dissolving the municipality ministry percentage formed because it gave the wrong signal.
The in Chavez 'social model central building percentage block "municipality" does not have as much in common with the Swedish geographical, political and administrative entity of the same name. In Venezuela, the municipalities are the basic components in an attempt to create a parallel democratic structure on the side, with a view to replace the largely inneffektiva and corruption infected the traditional government and administrative apparatus
The idea is that local authorities will take care of common issues at the local level and play a more active role in the transformation of the national economy. They will support and initiate the formation of production cooperatives in their area, to take over ownership of the disused factories in the region and open them during percentage a combined worker and municipal control, and open new local markets for the sale of products from other municipalities. Among the ideologues who sought to develop the idea after his death speaks of a "municipal government". A central task for the next period (2013-2019) stated in his speech
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