9 August - Joint Press SACRIFICE OF MICHAEL average - VOIEVOD BRAVE - REÎNTREGITORUL DACIA | Unification Council
Today, August 9, 2013, the Senate Academy Daco TDC, European Romania Party leadership (which this fall will be called Dacians Party - DL) Daco Guard National Unity Bloc - BUN are empowered to declare:
At dawn on August 9, 1601, Old Style (August 19, 1601, new style), Prince Michael average the Brave who reunified Dacia, becoming at 27 May 1600, "Lord of the Land of Romanian, of Transylvania and Moldavia" is foully murdered by order of Gen. George Basta Habsburg. Austrian Officials worried about the unifying qualities of Romanian homeland, average worthy descendant of King Burebista's increased Regalianus unificator Dacoromania with his wife, saw their plans threatened Transylvania maintaining its sphere of influence. Neither Poland did not want to lose control over Moldavia and the Ottoman Empire did not accept average the idea of giving up Wallachia. The new state was a strong ethnic unity able to change the balance of forces in Central Europe and the Balkans. Moreover, insubordination Transylvanian Hungarian nobles who did not accept the measures imposed by the new Lord of the sponsor, contribute to military disaster at Miraslau (18/28 September 1600) when Michael is unable to defeat the noble Hungarian uprising backed by General Basta, losing control over Transylvania. Shortly Moldova repossessed Movilesti subordinates Polish average interests in Wallachia Simion imposing mound.
Austrian Emperor Michael get support with General Basta initiated a campaign average to retake the Romanian hearth. The victory at Guruslău (3 August 1601), the Wallachian prince, the son of a beautiful ialomiţence Fair Floci of the Danube and the Olt Patrascu cel Bun Draculesti offspring, it removes Bathory of Transylvania, then drives Simion mound on the throne of Wallachia. Goes on to recover Wallachia gonindu it Simion mound throne. Austrian interests could not admit one nine union Dacoromanian countries. By order of General Basta Habsburg, on August 9, 1601, Michael the Brave was assassinated. His head is stolen by one of the captains of Prince, brought to Wallachia and buried by Radu Buzescu Dealu Monastery, near Targoviste. The stone slab to Dealu Monastery is written: "Here lies honest and Christian average head late Michael, the Great Prince, who was ruler of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia. " average
Terrorist plot, international, political and military, Singer managed, planned by the USSR and the USA, the main external aggressors along with some European and Western powers especially with neighboring countries with new and so-called friends, especially average Hungary and former Yugoslavia, using ax handles in Romania, especially allogeneic average (Hebrew, Hungarian, average Gypsies and other nationalities who openly supported external aggression that was the spark followed by genocide against average the nation Daco and other crimes against average humanity, war crimes and crimes against peace) average continues today.
The purpose plot constituted average a nation and dismantling dismantling Romanian unitary national state sovereign and independent. Failed then, but now that purpose is to be perfected by the so-called regionalization of Romania, in fact, the abolition of the nation state and scattering to the four corners.
Romanian, Mihai Voda monuments come Brave, who was sacrificed for the nation to have one Romanian national state, sovereign, unitary, united, sovereign and independent, whose territory is inalienable and indivisible forever.
the party leadership ROMANIA EUROPEAN
Daco Academy Foundation "TEMPUS Daco COMTERRA" (FADRTDC) is the result of unification through absorption TEMPUS FOUNDATION founded by the founding president Geo Stroe (incorporated average on 23.11.1991 in Trajan, file 751 / PJ / 1991 1st District Court), average Academy Daco - ADR (successor and legatee unique and Romanian National Institute for Romance - INPROROM, founded on 12/01/1991 and Circle DECENEU of the 70 studies, case no. 34 / PJ to Court Sect.1 registered 24.01.1992 by civil sentence no. 49 of 31.01., 1992, reorganized subsequently reorganized Daco Academy at 05/09/1995 and then, with no other changes average in the file. 51 / PJ / 2003) for the implementation of the program PROTEMDACOM-10050 (2 050). As a foundation, it
Today, August 9, 2013, the Senate Academy Daco TDC, European Romania Party leadership (which this fall will be called Dacians Party - DL) Daco Guard National Unity Bloc - BUN are empowered to declare:
At dawn on August 9, 1601, Old Style (August 19, 1601, new style), Prince Michael average the Brave who reunified Dacia, becoming at 27 May 1600, "Lord of the Land of Romanian, of Transylvania and Moldavia" is foully murdered by order of Gen. George Basta Habsburg. Austrian Officials worried about the unifying qualities of Romanian homeland, average worthy descendant of King Burebista's increased Regalianus unificator Dacoromania with his wife, saw their plans threatened Transylvania maintaining its sphere of influence. Neither Poland did not want to lose control over Moldavia and the Ottoman Empire did not accept average the idea of giving up Wallachia. The new state was a strong ethnic unity able to change the balance of forces in Central Europe and the Balkans. Moreover, insubordination Transylvanian Hungarian nobles who did not accept the measures imposed by the new Lord of the sponsor, contribute to military disaster at Miraslau (18/28 September 1600) when Michael is unable to defeat the noble Hungarian uprising backed by General Basta, losing control over Transylvania. Shortly Moldova repossessed Movilesti subordinates Polish average interests in Wallachia Simion imposing mound.
Austrian Emperor Michael get support with General Basta initiated a campaign average to retake the Romanian hearth. The victory at Guruslău (3 August 1601), the Wallachian prince, the son of a beautiful ialomiţence Fair Floci of the Danube and the Olt Patrascu cel Bun Draculesti offspring, it removes Bathory of Transylvania, then drives Simion mound on the throne of Wallachia. Goes on to recover Wallachia gonindu it Simion mound throne. Austrian interests could not admit one nine union Dacoromanian countries. By order of General Basta Habsburg, on August 9, 1601, Michael the Brave was assassinated. His head is stolen by one of the captains of Prince, brought to Wallachia and buried by Radu Buzescu Dealu Monastery, near Targoviste. The stone slab to Dealu Monastery is written: "Here lies honest and Christian average head late Michael, the Great Prince, who was ruler of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia. " average
Terrorist plot, international, political and military, Singer managed, planned by the USSR and the USA, the main external aggressors along with some European and Western powers especially with neighboring countries with new and so-called friends, especially average Hungary and former Yugoslavia, using ax handles in Romania, especially allogeneic average (Hebrew, Hungarian, average Gypsies and other nationalities who openly supported external aggression that was the spark followed by genocide against average the nation Daco and other crimes against average humanity, war crimes and crimes against peace) average continues today.
The purpose plot constituted average a nation and dismantling dismantling Romanian unitary national state sovereign and independent. Failed then, but now that purpose is to be perfected by the so-called regionalization of Romania, in fact, the abolition of the nation state and scattering to the four corners.
Romanian, Mihai Voda monuments come Brave, who was sacrificed for the nation to have one Romanian national state, sovereign, unitary, united, sovereign and independent, whose territory is inalienable and indivisible forever.
the party leadership ROMANIA EUROPEAN
Daco Academy Foundation "TEMPUS Daco COMTERRA" (FADRTDC) is the result of unification through absorption TEMPUS FOUNDATION founded by the founding president Geo Stroe (incorporated average on 23.11.1991 in Trajan, file 751 / PJ / 1991 1st District Court), average Academy Daco - ADR (successor and legatee unique and Romanian National Institute for Romance - INPROROM, founded on 12/01/1991 and Circle DECENEU of the 70 studies, case no. 34 / PJ to Court Sect.1 registered 24.01.1992 by civil sentence no. 49 of 31.01., 1992, reorganized subsequently reorganized Daco Academy at 05/09/1995 and then, with no other changes average in the file. 51 / PJ / 2003) for the implementation of the program PROTEMDACOM-10050 (2 050). As a foundation, it
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