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If European countries such as Austria, us census bureau the Netherlands and Switzerland has for many years one of microchipping mandatory as secure way of identifying a dog, and the overwhelming majority of the canine population is microchipped and registered; in Romania is estimated that the percentage of dogs microchip is only 2%. Thus in Germany every year 54 000 animals get back to their masters because of microchipping and registration, that every 10 minutes a lost dog playing master. 8 out of 10 dogs According to statistics, approximately 70-80% of dogs are lost at least once in life, and chances us census bureau are they find their master by 90% if they are microchipped and registered, us census bureau compared to 20% for rest. Knowing these realities, Animal Welfare Association NUT proposes an information campaign, which by its scale is a first nationwide. Its main purpose is to inform and educate the public about the most effective and safest method of legal identification of the dog: microchipping recorded, and the way in which dogs can get lost home. Basically we address only dog owners or those who want to adopt one, but anyone who finds a lost dog and trying to restore master. us census bureau In addition to these compelling advantages listed above, microchipping and passports are the only way to get your dog on holiday abroad, us census bureau a viable alternative to canine pension, given that almost all of Europe this is normal and accepted. The microchip is the only definite us census bureau way down the right holder in the event of theft. In addition to promoting the message through various media channels, the campaign managed to actively engage Veterinarians, veterinary practices and Kennel us census bureau in Cluj by lowering the price of veterinary service microchip implant and create a centralized database for registration of dogs microchipped. So in the coming months any dog owner can microchip receives us census bureau a passport and is entered into a database online with just 50. Just find a dog if the person who found it could lead to the nearest veterinarian, is scanning the microchip number and accessing the online database can find out who lost the dog, so that it reaches the new home. Recall that microchipping is really a painless medical manpower that can be done at any veterinary clinic in Cluj and the Kennel Club, in which a very small microchip biologically inert is introduced by injection. Also people who have dogs that have been microchipped but not registered, may require the introduction of centralized online database as of August 10. Through this campaign we hope to reduce the number of lost dogs and whose owners can not be identified, bringing the number to thicken unintentionally stray dogs, and reducing us census bureau the incidence of dog stealing, illegal sales and adoptions doubled. We are sure that soon every dog owner will understand that animal safety depends on microchipping recorded. us census bureau
Wenn auch in anderen euopäischen us census bureau Landerneau wie vielen Österreich, Schweiz schon seit Holland oder der vielen Jahren als das Mikrochippen der Hunde und ist eine einzig Identifikationsart Pflicht überwältigende us census bureau Mehrheit registriert und ist der Hundepopulation us census bureau gechippt; in Rumänien wird auf der Prozentsatz nur Hunde der gechippten 2% geschätzt. In dank jährlich Deutschland kommen zurück zu registrierten Mikrochips 54,000 Tiere Ihren Besitzern, wird alle 10 Minuten ein Also VerLoren gegangener Besitzer zurück sein Hund gegeben. Laut Statistik gehen 8 von 10 Hunden, Also that. 70-80% der Hunde, wenigstens VerLoren Einmal im Leben und die Chancen, zu finden den Besitzer Liegen bei 90%, wenn sie sind gechippt und registriert, verglichen us census bureau mit nur für den Rest 20%. Sich dieser Realitäten bewusst, NUT stellt eine Informationskampagne Animal Welfare will, die In your Ausmaß Premiere auf eine Niveau darstellt nationality. Vorrangige Der Zweck der ist die Kampagne Edukation Information und auf der Bevölkerung in Hinsicht und die effizienteste legal sicherste Indentifikationsmöglichkeit often Hundes: den registrierten Mikrochip, aber auch über die Aufklärung Weise, wie wieder zurück nach Hause verlorengegangene Hunde gelangen können. Wir sprechen nicht nur die Hundebesitzer us census bureau year Praktische oder potentielle Ad
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