Wednesday, April 29, 2015

SozBlog Notes for Blog Posts Information for reviews Product Sex, Gender and Diversity act, practic

SozBlog Notes for Blog Posts Information for reviews Product Sex, Gender and Diversity act, practice, interaction and communication body, mind, emotions crises, upheavals and change how many dimensions are there the culture and history of art, film and music migration norms, values and identity of regions, cities and regions Sociological Technology and media discourse theories and classic environment and natural economy, labor and consumer reviews Conference reports Interviews & Presentations "Five how many dimensions are there minutes sociological" with Hartmut how many dimensions are there Rosa Sociological month rearview Magazine Issue 10: Emotions: How social are our feelings? Issue 9: crises and upheavals how many dimensions are there in Issue 8: Crime and Social Standards Issue 7: Sex, Gender, Diversity and reification Issue 6: economy - labor - markets special edition 2: Complex New World Special Edition 1: Social participation Issue 5: death and dying Issue 4 : freedom Issue 3: Between madness and normality Issue 2: Community how many dimensions are there and society Issue 1: Sociology how many dimensions are there - Quo Vadis? Online shop Call4Papers Current Call4Papers "education, knowledge and elites" Notes Autor_innen review Would Call4Pictures YouTube channel Interviews & Presentations DGS Congress 2014 in Trier Interview with Thomas Kron: terrorism interview with Udo Thiedeke: Sociology of Love Interview with Wolfgang Schluchter: To 150th birthday of Max Weber Interview with Michael Hartmann: elite theory Interview with Reiner Keller: action, practices, actors, subjects Interview with Hubert Knoblauch: subject of Communicative Action Interview with John Angermüller: how many dimensions are there Discourse Tagungungsmitschnitt "(loading) interpretation claims in qualitative research "Video Lecture" Sociological theories of today and diagnoses how many dimensions are there "(Hubert Knoblauch) Links & Tools Participate as Blogger_in as Autor_in the editorial team as a (promotional) member as (advertising) Partner_in how many dimensions are there About Herausgeber_innen editorial & Contact Scientific Advisory Board of Friends Imprint Apps magazine as App
Next year comes - the census. One way or another like this, with some justification, to be reminded of the protests against the census in the 1980s. But it also has consequences for the social sciences. Censuses are actually full surveys of all Einwohner_innen or Bürger_innen a state. Its central justification it receives with the need to collect data required how many dimensions are there by the state to control. It is less about the safeguarding of civil rights, as to their obligations. The official reporting statistics accomplishes this task only partly because the quality of their data over the years deteriorated. A census - so the essential how many dimensions are there idea - could serve to balance the official data and accordingly they provide a reliable, solid basis for political decisions.
As part of an EU-wide census round in the coming year is also Germany a census - the "Census 2011" - carry out. However, it involves no census since only one sample is drawn at least in the Bürger_innen. Currently already running the first phase, the "building and housing census" in which all land lords of housing for this, for example. Of living space and the name of the Bewohner_innen, must provide information. Not least on this basis under the "household survey" draw a sample that comprises 10% of the German population. There are thereby drawn addresses. All Bewohner_innen these are then interviewed in person, even if a personal filling out the questionnaire should also be possible. As a comparison with other data collected state is to take place, anonymity how many dimensions are there can not be guaranteed. The data requested are socio-demographic (ie, for example. Of education, employment, gender, ...). The mention of religion should be voluntary. Parallel send another government agency, for example. The Federal Employment Agency, transmit personal data to the Federal Statistical Office.
Especially when it is voluntary but exciting: In general, how many dimensions are there the (truthful and complete) participation in the census under penalty of a fine of up to 5000 Euro is mandatory. As in the 1980s, therefore, formed a protest movement that has remained relatively unnoticed. You look especially the right to informal self-determination under threat, which was first formulated itself within the census judgment of 1983 judicially (see. Wikipedia). They fear a, by the civil uncontrollable, disclosure of personal data between offices. In a time in which the sensitivity of own data is repeatedly stressed and citizens on the conscious protection of their own data e

In July numerous submissions have been added to the database, which now contains a total of 2,936,7

Contents 1 Genealogentag 1.1 Genealogentag in Augsburg 2 Project Information 2.1 casualty lists 2.2 DigiBib / Address Books 2.3 Online OFB 2.4 Announcements 2.5 Genealogical Gazetteer 3 Internet 3.1 dead piece of paper from Tyrol 3.2 New FamilySearch 3.3 US Social Security Index 3.4 US Census 1940 3.5 oxygenator research cifre program 4 Software 4.1 GHome 5 Knowledge 5.1 Dutchman from Cologne 5.2 Purchasing Power Calculator 5.3 Geno 2.0 6 Archive 6.1 North Badische able Books 7 Media 7.1 New AMF publications 7.2 KB Mülheim / Ruhr 8 Kaleidoscope 8.1 German Genealogy Museum 8.2 Alliance of Professional Genealogists 9 read in .. . 9.1 MyHeritage Blog 10 Dates 10.1 Low German Conference 10.2 10.3 7. Genealogietag Luxembourg Genealogy Calendar in GenWiki 11 Imprint
Already registered? From 31.08-03.09.2012 place in Augsburg the 64th German Genealogentag place in Augsburg. Organizer is the Bavarian Society cifre for Family History eV, Munich. The Bezirksgruppe Schwaben has compiled an attractive program of lectures, excursions, guided tours and the exhibition of genealogical associations and suppliers from all over Germany, which you can download here. Visiting the exhibition is free, for attending the lectures Your contribution is requested. Please register here.
The Association cifre for Computer Genealogy is also represented with its stand. Presentations of our members and the Bavarian GenWiki-supervisor informed about the research contacts (Uli Heist), the Digital Library - the genealogical digital library (Andreas job), the online cifre collection project "casualty lists of World War 1" (Marie-Luise Carl), the GOV - the Genealogical and Historical cifre Gazetteer (Peter Lingnau) and GenWiki - the Wiki for genealogists also in Bavaria (Günter Thürheimer, editor of the Bayern-GenWiki Pages).
A detailed explanation for collecting data from the casualty lists of World War 1 by the Association for Computer Genealogy is Jesper Zedlitz in two short video screencast broadcasts on Youtube: first steps and the navigation you can use to selectively edit pages of the casualty list. Refer also to the project information and project information. This allows you to quickly and easily join the collection. It's super easy. DigiBib / address books
In June / July new online address books were stored in the Digital Library and are available for volunteers cifre who want to write: Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis / address 1939 Krefeld-Uerdingen / Address 1931-32 Cologne / address 1930 Augsburg / 1881 Dusseldorf address / address 1856 Siegkreis / Address Book 1955-56
All news can be found in the address book newsletter. About 40 other address books are currently scanned. There are also numerous other address books that are kept available for the collection: books editor. How to get involved in the project you can learn here. PS: the best club for scanning procured for Computer cifre Genealogy address books are to be sold to procurement price. Maybe your favorite address is? Why not visit our address cifre book sales side, we also look forward to your and your support! For the project team and on behalf of the Society cifre for Computer Genealogy I thank you very much for all assets. (Marie-Luise Carl) online OFB
With numerous additions the database cifre of online local heritage books has grown to 332 online OFBs where 4,325,365 people are included. Most individuals and hits list the Memelland- and the NLF Family database of the Lower Saxony Association for Family cifre History e. V. (NLF) with 254,040 or 273,159 people or about 12 or 10 million hits.
In an article in the FamilySearch Associate Sonja Ruth Hoeke-Nishimoto in FamilySearch blog to look at the German local kinship books and our GenWiki list of local heritage books and online cifre OFBs is thrown. Personal column
In July numerous submissions have been added to the database, which now contains a total of 2,936,759 records. More information is available under (Hans Jürgen Wolf) Genealogical gazetteer
All news about the Genealogical Place Register (GOV) can be read in GOV / Newsletter. The basics of GOV set forth in GenWiki. Editor of GenWiki GOV sites with data here help pages. Maps and graphs for statistical development of GOV can be found here.
About 11500 names of images of death / -zetteln cifre are online and available to all Tirol researchers free of charge. The names come from all parts of Tyrol from 1795 to modern times and has been compiled by Christine Schwemberger. This database is thanks to the accumulated amount of death images continuously erwe

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Census 1930 census 1861 - Following in the footsteps Mülheim families Volumes 1-8 Volume 1: Speldor

The acquisition lists of the Prussian census of 1861 documenting the population status Mülheims mid-19th century. After individual communities and within communities to streets Mülheim population was completely recorded - in the truest sense of the word "with the kids." This valuable tradition, which is located in Dusseldorf in North Rhine-Westphalia State Archive, was spotted by members of Mülheim city archive and adopted in the form of copies of the stocks of the City Archives.
At the initiative of the family researcher Bärbel Essers, a volunteer working 1930 census group was together, the typed the approximately 40,000 records in a database and thus laid the basis for a comprehensive publication. From 2008 to 2013 eight district-related volumes have been published so far and are commercially available. They refer to the following transactions:
Bookstore Max Röder (Leinenweberstraße 52) Books dreams (Princess-Luise-Straße 9) Building cleaning Katzke (Hing mountain 1930 census 130-132) model railroad ter Meer (Mellinghofer Road 269) Driving School Extra Drive (MH-Holthausen, Pasteur Street 2)
For those interested, who do not live in Mülheim, is alternatively the possibility to order the individual volumes by email. When dispatching the volumes plus shipping fees. Please order at:
Census 1930 census 1861 - Following in the footsteps Mülheim families Volumes 1-8 Volume 1: Speldorf (out) 120 pages. Released in October 2008 6.95 EUR Band 2: Broich 128 pages. Released in the summer of 2009 6.95 EUR Volume 3: Eppinghofen 160 pages Published in March 2010 7.95 EUR
Links House of History Geschichtsverein Broich Tersteegenhaus
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Monday, April 27, 2015

Just two weeks before the date the home builder to get the nation

Activists are planning a constitutional complaint hispanic definition against census 2011 SPREE VIEW
In May of next year a census in Germany is to be performed again for the first time after 24 years. The plans for the census are running hispanic definition at full speed, even if it is little to remember. 1983 that a broad movement to knock out important changes in favor of data protection, and the Federal Constitutional Law established the basic right to informational self-determination. Now campaigners want to move to Karlsruhe again.
"It all goes completely under the radar," says Oliver "Unicorn" Knapp. He deals in Chaos Computer Club (CCC) with the planned census. Along with Tim "Scytale" Weber Knapp has a talk about the "Census Act, 2011" at the conference Sigint to provide for public attention. Because of the previously was nothing to see.
The culprit is probably that the census will be conducted as a "register-based census". For this, data from various hispanic definition public bodies one hand together and compared. Nothing will be seen on the road. Thus, the population noticed just the other part of the census - the random sampling survey of ten percent of all households.
Actually, there is in Germany at the registration offices already detailed records of all residents - so at least in theory. In fact, these records, however, are often flawed and sometimes not even uniformly structured. Therefore, the data from employment agencies and authorities are gathered (for officers) for the census. The balance of the various databases should then detect errors registry office.
The records of registration offices, employment agencies and authorities are first collected by the competent national authorities hispanic definition and then forwarded to the Federal Statistical Office - without anonymization. This is true even for people who participate in witness protection programs. Which is at the registration office a statement that the disclosure is prohibited. However, for the census, the data nevertheless be provided - including reference hispanic definition to the witness protection program.
Date for the collection of the data base is 9 May 2011. At this time, the census hispanic definition begins in the form as it is known from the year 1987: Interviewer swarm out to Germany holes residents with questions. Unlike 23 years ago but not the whole population is interviewed, only one in ten households. Answers Liability: Who refuses can be punished by a fine of up to 5,000 euros. This phase will last for several months.
This also shows that some are more equal than others. There are a number of so-called "special areas": prisons, nursing homes, mental hospitals, homeless shelters. Not only samples are collected; each individual residents of these facilities is to be detected, say the two activists from the CCC. The statistical offices speak of additional surveys "in some cases" because the data situation hispanic definition is particularly prone to error there. Duty to disclose information, the Institute lines, those affected are only informed of the publication of data.
Just two weeks before the date the home builder to get the nation's post: Who owns real estate, must also provide information, must indicate if the apartment has toilet, bathtub or shower. This survey is conducted by mail, so the longest time frame is provided for 14 months. Extrapolating the random sampling survey and the property owners together, about 30 percent of the population will have to answer questions.
All these data are merged with the Federal Office of Statistics and linked. "The fact that creates the most comprehensive population register of the history of Germany, not a failure, hispanic definition but intend," Knapp and Weber write in an article for the apparent shortly issue of CCC magazine "Datenschleuder".
Moreover, the information is associated with a unique personal identification number. "For each address, each building, each apartment, every household and every person will be awarded and performed, which may be community-building and across a serial number by the statistical offices of the federal and state governments. The order numbers may be used in the junctions according to 9 ", says the census law.
For the two activists this is a clear violation of the Constitution. They point to the famous Census judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court in 1983, with the fundamental right has been established to informational self-determination. Knapp and Weber see the core

Dear Readers. We are happy to keep you updated on the current range of Cicero online. Please enter

picture alliance
With great surprise, have been perceived on Friday the results of the census. 2011 Germany had assumed after roughly mundo total 1.5 million mundo total fewer inhabitants than statistically. However, the census results just do not say that Germany's population is shrinking, as many media are writing this now - they mean rather that in 2011 less people lived in Germany as thought the authorities.
Surprisingly, this is in fact not at all: It has long been suspected that many foreign residents just do not log out of a transfer abroad. This effect had "accumulated" since the last census in 1987. Thus, the census provides primarily a cleanup of inactive members. Thus, the authorities known total number of people in Germany for 2011 changed - no more, no less. Nothing changes the census to reality, for example, to the housing mundo total shortage in many German cities.
The demographic miracle and the wrong shrinkage logic dedicated to detail the June issue of the magazine Cicero: Hooray, we grow! Germany on the way to 100 million people with a cover story by Andreas Rinke and Christian Schwägerl, a photo reportage on immigrants and an interview mundo total with CDU Vice Armin Laschet on the magnetic Germany and the integration mundo total of immigrants. mundo total
Cicero readers are already prepared for two weeks on the outcome of the census: "The last microcensus has cleaned up here at the absolute population size and the longevity of statistical artifacts," we read in the current issue. And precisely because of the misconceptions about the census, the cover story of the issue comes at exactly the right time: "Hurrah, we are growing!"
Because of Germany's population is growing again. At this statement will change absolutely nothing - the reference year of the census, 2011 happens to be the year, at the end of the Federal Statistical Office had noted a trend reversal: the first time, attracted again more people than migrated. And the effect was already so great that it even outweighed the negative birth / death balance: The result, the population is growing again. 2012 reinforced the trend.
This shows that the previous assumptions for the shrinking population by 2060 is not a natural law. Even the resurgence of the total population in the years 2011 and 2012 had not been expected. The assumptions for the development of population growth by 2060 based on surveys of 2009 - a real crisis year for Germany. All indicators for the country showed then down. For this thinking resulted the assumptions used to this day, that the population could fall to 64 million mundo total people by 2060. Only the end of 2014 the Federal Statistical Office will resubmit new forecasts - all indicators currently point but upwards.
No one doubts the "baby bump", stands in front of Germany. mundo total The low birth cohorts have a decrease in the number of potential mothers result - this will most likely mundo total lead to a further decline in first number of babies. But: not counted so far unexpected developments both in immigration, fertility and other life circumstances.
Immigration is the best example of the trend is quite likely have been different, mundo total as one could foresee this 2009: Next page: Germany is facing a wave of immigration
Dear Readers. We are happy to keep you updated on the current range of Cicero online. Please enter your e-mail address and we'll send you Monday to Friday our daily newsletter. Your Cicero editorial email:
Conservatives are on social assistance, Left Social Industry: The controversy surrounding America's social billion is in full swing. Recent studies suggest that decades of redistribution do not achieve the desired effect
Germany needs to continue to evolve as the largest EU economy an immigration country. For decades, the policy, the Company has sworn that we have a demographic problem. That was a mistake
Conservatives are on social assistance, Left Social Industry: The controversy surrounding America's social billion is in full swing. Recent studies suggest that decades of redistribution do not achieve the desired effect
Germany needs to continue to evolve as the largest EU economy an immigration country. For decades, the policy, the Company has sworn that we have a demographic problem. That was a mistake
More and more people in Germany are affected by poverty in old age. You need to take the basic security services. Especially women in Westdeutsc

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Specifically, the current cases of data theft prepare more here abdominal pain: Mitjeder greater di

Published on FEB 2 25 June 2010 Author jens.ferner Katgeorien News, knowledgeable incometaxindia gov Rights Day, knowledgeable demanding, Bundestag, privacy, theft, eu, statistics, census, incometaxindia gov web page, Census 2011 Census (Census incometaxindia gov 2011)
In 2011, probably then in May, it will again be a comprehensive census in Germany. Due to the legal particularities in Germany there is a register-based census, which means that the statistics are collected primarily directly from the population register and not entirely by direct contact with citizens. The citizens incometaxindia gov themselves will be affected only by random sampling. Although it is now 3 years before throwing the census, known as Census, incometaxindia gov even its shadow.
Currently, incometaxindia gov the census preparing legislation is implemented. This means that the first data flow to the Census Bureau. First up is the creation of a register of residential buildings and dwellings in Germany. This register is then to consult later the basis for approximately 17.5 million citizens directly.
What is stored in the building registers can be found in 2 III ZensusVBG: A total of 33 data are collected here, the last two points concern the respondents. The disclosure requirements themselves are extensively considered by 10 ZensusVBG, whereby here alone person authorized (ie mainly owner) of the reported building shared.
The right to information is a big issue and although you can still find the census law implementing nowhere, it should incometaxindia gov be noted, as already emphasized that everyone has the duty to provide information. The obligation arises first from the Federal Statistics Act, 15 BStatG and is used even in 23 BStatG by a fine up to 5000 euros. However, the obligation to provide information needs to be substantiated only by a law there. In Mikrozensus Act 2005 were all about (whether legal age or underage) who maintain their own household required to report, however, was omitted in 9 to the imposition of a fine. So here it was a duty to provide information without sanctions. It remains to be seen how it will look at the 2011 census.
The survey incometaxindia gov issued mixed: we will come questioner in person, sometimes a letter will be sent. Since the Bundesstatistigesetz is expressly assumes a deadline to accept that you have to offer respondents a deadline for response. The obligation to enter leave the apartment can not be seen and rejected.
The statisticians emphasize that the census data protection is a top priority. incometaxindia gov This applies the default of the Constitutional Court, "that data flows only one way into the statistics," Bechtold said.
This is demonstrably false, though roughly first really. The 16 BStatG offers many exceptions for further use, most administrative acts may not be adopted based on these data letztich. Specifically, the 16 IV BStatG me a thorn is whether the data collected here mountains in mind:
For use in relation to the legislative bodies and for planning purposes, but not for the regulation of individual cases, the highest federal or state authorities by the Federal Statistical Office and the statistical offices of the Länder table fields have been forwarded tables with statistical results, even if only a single case identification. The submission by Theorem 1 is only permitted if the federal incometaxindia gov statistics issuing legislation, the submission of detailed information is listed on top federal or state authorities.
Specifically, the current cases of data theft prepare more here abdominal pain: Mitjeder greater dissemination of these data increases the risk that they may be stolen. I think of CDs with data sets (in the UK as recently) or on laptops from government officials to whom such data (for Gesetezsentwürfe, 16 IV BStatG) are stored disappear and be stolen (as most recently with the Federal Minister of Justice).
But besides the obvious unintended misuse of data I seriously doubt that the data erhoben- -once just stay with the census. I think of the (unlikely) incometaxindia gov event that during the collection of this information but then takes place a "stop" in Germany. Great resistance to interpret the present time the Federal incometaxindia gov Statistical Office data, there will probably be no more, because each straw is used in this first phase actionist.
I personally hope that the questioner that occur on site, put a different behavior on the day, as it is known by many employees incometaxindia gov the GEZ. It remains to be seen, reference is made to the persons incometaxindia gov and how they are trained. If any. All in all, notice that still

Open Data City: Our idea was to provide a tool that everyone can use and may not embed. Why was gre

In Germany 1.5 million inhabitants live less than previously thought. This is presented as a central finding of the current census, whose results were released today. Open Data activists created in record time visualization of the data. Criticism from privacy advocates, there is little - in contrast to earlier.
Two years ago, found to comply with European legislation, the new census was taken. Known in Germany under the label of the 2011 census, building and housing censuses and households surveys were conducted. Led the planned census in the 1980s still massive upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan protests, boycotts, the rampage upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan ritual on May Day in Berlin and the fundamental right to informational self-determination, this time only a small group of privacy advocates urged to criticism. The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection requests that the census upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan is "data protection laws" designed.
Today the Federal Statistical Office presented the results of the census. The most important data is being cited and presented by all media. Exciting for are data "in its smallest division of a downloadable file," upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan which will be published for the first time. Four data types are available as CSV: Core Features population (gender, German / foreigners, 5 age groups) the census of 9.5.2011 and population statistics 30.4.2011 (gender, birth years after 5 groups) Selected socio-demographic data (employment, education, migration upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan , religion) Selected data for buildings and dwellings (ownership rate, vacancy rate, average living space, building age, etc.)
Open Data City: We had, like other colleagues, a couple of times before the phone with the Federal Statistical Office. Our contact there were very helpful. First it was said that the release of the data in an entire file (CSV / XLS) within the meaning of open data was not possible. Not least because of wrangling between federal and state governments. Fortunately, but then came the news that today it is the entire data is also published to download completely - and not just on their web tool rather complicated.
Open Data City: A few hours after the publication of which is difficult to assess. We can assume that the craft was made correctly by the statistical offices. Publication as CSV / XLS files including explanations is helpful. The political dimension of census is a different debate. Contrary to 1987 there were almost no time critical and wiederständische accompaniment. And concepts such as "migrant" could argue indefinitely.
Open Data City: Well, the focus on other priorities. And we are now recorded on building upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan interactive applications. Right now we sit seven of them: Someone for map server, another one for the server, two people upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan at the front end and three data Editors / programmers.
Open Data City: Our idea was to provide a tool that everyone can use and may not embed. Why was great that the Federal Agency for Civic Education sponsors the. The sets anyway on the free Creative Commons Attribution License. The analysis of each can make himself; we care once the publication and then to the evaluation.
I would have liked, that will not be forgotten in this so much for statistics lovers day, the circumstances under which these results have been accomplished. And associated with the 2011 census delicate, the entire population comprehensive collection of data by people from refugee centers, women's shelters, Disabled dormitories and all provided with an information block people unfortunately remain unmentioned. This data acquisition raises the question: has the abstract structure of a state beyond all well-intentioned Datenschutzbedinungen the right to collect such information, and so the use of force and - supposedly and supposedly safe - to save? Looking back on our past, I am against this billion-euro project.
Andre accompanied since its inception and blogging upbasiceduboard gov post challan post challan since 2007 more or less regular basis. Since 2012, this hobby is his profession. He studied social sciences in Berlin and worked there network issues. Andre accompanied a scene contexts such as stock AK, AK censorship, CCC, EDRi and Digital Society. He also works as a system administrator, the mail server of has set up and use him like. Contact Email (OpenPGP) Twitter:andre_meister Phone: + 49-30-92105-987 (on working hours), Crypto Phone: + 807-15299072
A very different idea; I asked around among friends and like wi

Saturday, April 25, 2015

This cartoon was published on March 23, 2015 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger with

The Truth About Christmas The Christmas has pagan origins and pagan customs. But if we in this festival, as passed to any other day, the honor of Jesus Christ, then you can celebrate this feast indeed Christian. Unfortunately, we do not know when Jesus is born, we do not know yet year month. Certainly Jesus was not born at the winter solstice because this was the high festival of the Gentiles. minneapolis population The Romans not conducted a census on these days, because minneapolis population since the Roman gods were worshiped. The central question is: In what month the Romans introduced in occupied Palestine a census ??? The Romans took consideration of the Jewish and Roman festivals. minneapolis population The eight-day Jewish festival of lights celebrated in the month of December, almost simultaneously, for several days, the Roman Saturnalia and the sun cult festival was celebrated. A Roman census was not desirable to the holidays, where the wine flowed in excess quantities until December 30. Entering the service without cat was then the 1st of January. A census, where the taxes were levied is normally conducted beginning of the year for the past year. After the Roman solar calendar that would be in January or February and according to the Jewish lunar calendar minneapolis population in mid-September. Mary and Joseph went walking in the ass step from Nazareth to Bethlehem. These are some 160 kilometers for a way they needed about two weeks. Such a long journey on foot was certainly not expected of the people minneapolis population in the summer heat. The planting and harvest time are eliminated as well, because at the time were of vital importance to all. The shepherds minneapolis population kept watch at night the sheep in the pasture, then there may be no cold winter nights. So the months of autumn and winter to stay for the birth of Jesus: September, October, November, (January), minneapolis population February, March ???
You shall not learn of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; minneapolis population for the nations are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are vanity. Because a timber is it that you cut in the forest and trims the artist with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and hammers, that it move not. Palm trees are the same stilted minneapolis population such idols; they can not speak; they must be carried minneapolis population because they can not go. Be not afraid of them, for they can not hurt, and to do good is not in their power.
This cartoon was published on March 23, 2015 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger with "... nor darkness". It's amazing ...
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters minneapolis population above the firmament that it was so. (Genesis 1: 7) In americ minneapolis population ...
2015 (50) November (12) November (13) June (12) November (13) 2014 (201) June (18) November (13) March (14) November (13) November (13) November (13) November (13) November (17) November (23) November (21) June (20) November (23) 2013 (269) June (26) June (21) March (25) November (21) November (22) November (23) November (20) November (24) November (22) November (22) July (20) November minneapolis population (23) 2012 (369) January (31) "San" Year's Eve 2012 Born in Kenya folly of Gibeah deluded Christians disaster of 2012 (K) is a Galactic Alignment 2012 Christmas 2012 Stille Nacht 2012 Fourth Advent 2012 Zungenbeterin in action minneapolis population Perfect Timing for the error ??? Switzerland is making headlines Kaaba the place of worship idolatry Sandy Hook in the Batman movie Third Advent 2012 religious creed gene Judah and Dan Bitter Truths 5 percent of Syrians Chanukah 2012 Second Advent 2012 Allah means God artificial minneapolis population earthquake in Japan ??? Santa Claus - Samichlous World of Faith Artificial disasters tribulation characters November 2012 First Advent 2012 Countdown to 2012 June (30) March (31) November (30) November (31) November (31) December (30) November (31) November (31) November (31) June (30) November (32) 2011 (315) June (32) November (31) March (31) November (30) November (31) November (31) November (30) November (31) November (30) November (31) July (7)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Thank you for your interest in my person. I am happy to support your concern to improve the statist

For the next Saturday, 30 April 2011 calls an alliance of Green Youth, Linksjugend [, solid], population of italy the country pupils representation (LSV), Pirate Party, Bündnis'90 / The Greens, Attac and Pax Christi to demonstrate against the census in Koblenz ,
Are particularly criticized the massive population of italy restriction of the fundamental right to informational self-determination through the collection, transmission and linkage of many sensitive data and the fact that the data of the persons concerned population of italy are not processed anonymously, but are stored for several years in plain text. Up to four years, population of italy the identity of the respondents is clearly traceable. Information coercion and possible penalties for refusal are also criticized how the lack of transparency and information that had actually made the Federal Constitutional Court for support for the constitutionality of a census.
To have gone many citizens seem sensitivity in dealing with their most private data will be lost, "this is a social development that very scares" it says on the Alliance website. The millionaire population of italy and broad advertising campaign by the Federal Statistical Office, population of italy however, take this attitude of, show only very one-sided alleged benefits of the census, and whitewashing any critical voice. The organizers therefore want to bring back the issue into the public consciousness.
Even if we can not prevent population of italy the census, so it would be a success, to raise awareness of the problems of this state, as well as all industrial, economic data collection.
The indication of belonging to a religious community ("Which religion do you belong to society") is mandatory, how the questionnaire also looks here:
Only the further question of the Creed ("Which of the following religions, faiths or beliefs do you practice?") Is freillig, if one can speak of voluntariness at the pressure at all.
Thank you for your interest in my person. I am happy to support your concern to improve the statistical basis of government action. Here is a pricing review of each question.
If you accept my offer, simply tick the answers and send me the list back signed. The accumulated direct costs please transfer to my account ... [bank account]. Please understand that I can not answer any questions prior to payment. Should I ... have to get no response, I have to assume that you have no interest population of italy in my data.
In my view, there is no recourse for such a bill, because one has even officially agreed to support the census - just not free (a free obligation to cooperate is nowhere regulated).
"No one should be forced to sensitive personal information, such as religion or marital status, share with others, whether at the state or the industry"
Oh really? The Greens want to abolish so that the church tax? And also all the same tax advantages for couples? Or are tax office and employer / employment office neither state nor industry?
As once again counting sheep for the personal union Germany GmbH or what? Information to be so so ...: The right to information is a big issue and although you can still find the census law implementing nowhere, it should be noted, as already emphasized that everyone has the duty to provide information. The obligation arises first from the Federal Statistics Act, 15 BStatG and is used even in 23 BStatG by a fine up to 5000 euros. However, the obligation to provide information needs to be substantiated population of italy only by a law there. In Mikrozensus Act 2005 were all about (whether legal age or underage) who maintain their own household required to report, however, was omitted in 9 to the imposition of a fine. So here it was a duty to provide population of italy information without sanctions. It remains to be seen how it will look at the 2011 census. /bstatg_1987/__23.html MFD 2005 54 a 9 non-application of the penalty provisions of the Statistics Act The 23 and 24 of the Statistics Act are not applicable. Well then, let's see ...
Most Viewed secret side agreement: But no judge of title for inventory data information, so much of the retention motion profiles in Adv

Thursday, April 23, 2015

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On 7 December Atheist Alliance International Launched Atheist Census at, population of the usa a global project to count and collect information on the world's atheists. The response to the site was very positive, population of the usa with well over 8,000 people contributing before it taken offline as a result population of the usa what of a DoS (denial of service) attack, less than 24 hours after launch. We do not know who is behind the attack, but it's a reasonable conclusion thatthey do not like atheists being counted. We are working hard to get Atheist Census online again.
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This entry was posted on December 8, 2012 13:37 and is filed under atheism, videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through population of the usa the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
# 5 of rkinck on December 8, 2012 - 14:34
deradmiral Thanks for the note! Have just done my duty atheist. Maybe times clarify the choices in the section population of the usa "Education" someone with English-American background. Academic degrees is clear, but the other accounts are not as comprehensible way for me.
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Software problems Census 2011

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Manfred Scherschinski is Chairman of the State Statistical Office of Saxony-Anhalt /. Photo: Statistical Office ellie last of us of Saxony-Anhalt in 1987, had been a last census in Germany. This year will be counted again. In May, the census has started and in November 2012. It is intended to give first results.
Now it is apparently the first problems: During data collection, there will be software bugs. So, around five percent of respondents reminders and penalty threats received, even though they have the questionnaires ellie last of us properly submitted.
If something went wrong during the data collection? Are there problems with the software, which of course was praised as highly safe? And what effect does this have on the 2011 census? We talk about it with the President of the State Statistical Office of Saxony-Anhalt, Manfred ellie last of us Scherschinski.
Software problems Census 2011 download site related links Federal Statistical Office ellie last of us website Statistical Office "Faulty software ellie last of us leads to dunning" Sachsen-Anhalt articles on the topic in the Central German newspaper - Subscribe to articles on the topic at the 2011 census website Facebook Twitter Google+ Podcast ellie last of us favorite All
Podcasts Advent ellie last of us pot of gold for listening changing strings menswear podcast policy progress Berlin Republic Healthy Life Digital Pay inaugural Is that fair? Cultural Research ellie last of us Quartet Album of the Week

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bolivian President Evo Morales said to be surprised by just how many others.

The results of the referendum in Bolivia from 2012 on population growth and housing conditions have triggered numerous debates among politicians, population of melbourne entrepreneurs, as well as in the regions. The reason is that, according to census belong to more than half of the Bolivians no indigenous people. According to the last 31 July by the National Statistics Office INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) published results have 58 percent of those over 15 years of Bolivians to us that they belong to any of the 36 recognized in the Bolivian constitution indigenous peoples.
Accordingly, in 2012, about 2.8 million Bolivians looked at as members of an indigenous nation or of an indigenous people. This represents a 41 per cent share of the total population. In the census of 2001, yet 62 percent of residents had described himself as Indigenous. Thus, the number of those who identify population of melbourne themselves as Indigenous declined by 21 percent. Surprised President
Bolivian President Evo Morales said to be surprised by just how many others. "The previous figures were different. I do not know if we are in a phase of devaluation or whether it is a colonialist mentality, "said the President. The political scientist Moira Zuazo is of the view that it is a strange result, because clearly a process population of melbourne have shown in the period since the last census, the trend had moved more in the direction of an indigenous identity. "The fact that this number is reduced, while indigenous identities found in our Constitution again attention, which are the basis of the plurinational state, is strange," said Zuaso.
According population of melbourne to the researcher, it is necessary to analyze the results and should be considered to choose the other variables. "You have to look at how this figure, the percentage allocated to the urban and rural areas". Your opinion, the big question is "whether the Bolivian company population of melbourne experienced a process of turning away from the indigenous identity and the second question population of melbourne would be, what is the reason," emphasized Zuaso. population of melbourne Criticism of the census
One of the most criticized aspects of census was the question 49, because there was not the "mestizo" population of melbourne option listed. However, it was possible answer that you belong to any indigenous nation or no indigenous people. Leonardo Tamburini, former director of the Center for Legal Studies and Social Sciences Research CEJIS (Centro de Estudios Sociales Jurídicos e Investigación) stated that they had made no real census for Indigenous proportion of the population. "What you have done to make a sampling test with a question. However, this should population of melbourne not be used to filter out the indigenous population of the country ".
Tamburini also pointed out that the questions of the census did not meet the standards of the UN. The decline of the indigenous population share was made, because the answers were contradictory. The survey was biased, because you "have tried to reduce the presence of indigenous peoples in the country" with the recent government measures, Tamburini.
According to the sociologist Alfonso Hinojosa, the results of the census have nothing to do with the term. One must first analyze what type of data relates. For the 62 percent share of the Bolivian indigenous population in the 2001 census were associated with increasing ethnically population of melbourne assigned receivables. Hinojosa said, "Now, it seems, there is an opposite population of melbourne tendency. Everything is now ethnically. This is not only part of the political agenda but also the political leadership. It is another moment. Undoubtedly, the self-definition as indigenous or something else a profound aspect of subjectivity. population of melbourne And in many cases they are dealing with trauma. It is possible that a person with experience of discrimination no longer referred to as indigenous ". So Hinosa The new results have no impact on the indigenous peoples; also the identity is not set in stone, said the sociologist." I believe that this lower percentage of ethnic self-identification does not affect "the creation of the Plurinational State.
For the Bolivian population of melbourne Vice President Álvaro García Linera, there are two classes of Bolivians: The Bolivians and indigenous Bolivians what he described as a composite reality. "From a mestizo nation to speak actually means an ethnocide. When speaking, however, by a governmental Bolivian nation and of cultural, population of melbourne indigenous, population of melbourne original peasant nations, then one can thus emphasize the respect and appreciation of the ancient nations. But the act

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The 1940 census will reveal much new information about family members, and insbesonderse those who

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We MyHeritage we are pleased to inform you that we will also play a role in this great moment of family history. On 2 April, we will offer you the images of the census and a continuously growing, bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland searchable name index completely free.
The good news, however, is not over yet! We decided to go a step further and bring you directly to the records. As of April, millions of MyHeritage users who pedigrees have created on the site, get free automatic notification of appropriate census records bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland from 1940. The user can start directly with the research, they are able to learn more about their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and other relatives who have lived in this important period of history. All this, having to perform without any manual searches. Why is the US Census from 1940 so important? What does this mean for me?
The 1940 census will reveal much new information about family members, and insbesonderse those who have immigrated to the United States, including those who fled from the Nazis in WW2.
You'll be able to information about name, age, address, race, occupation, marital status, nationality, homes, the relationship of each person in your household and to be able to access the place of birth. Several new and interesting questions were asked for the first time in the 1940 census: name of the informant, completed education, place of residence in 1935, income and mother tongue.
Because of the 20th century mass immigration to the United States, many people around the world relatives who have moved to the United States and appear in the 1940 census have. Why we put the census in 38 languages. bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland We thus help the international users in researching their US-American families. bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland
This is the most recent US census, is published and made available due to the 72-year privacy. It is a glimpse bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland into the life of them that have the severe global bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland economic crisis that preceded World War II survived.
For the first time I will have a document that I can my relatives who lived during this time show. You can offer the whole story, beyond all the facts. As a source document, this large census bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland is a lot of information.
I hope that I get not only a confirmation of the basic facts (name, age, birth dates and places, etc.), but also about where they lived five years earlier, their occupations, income, education, military service and other languages at home were spoken discover.
The 1940 census is very personal for me, it is like a snapshot of my family at an important point in US social history. bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland I am very excited to be able to access bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland this information.
My parents, relatives and friends are listed bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland as a teenager - the first generation born in America. The data for their foreign-born parents give me information on the immigration bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland and naturalization. And in addition to the information still changing surname forms.
My grandmother was still alive, just 14 years old when the census was taken. I am happy to let me go in search of their data. And the conditions under which it was collected, after the Great Depression and before the Second World War to understand.
People around the world are waiting for the publication of this data, so that they can expand their pedigrees and stories, and the story of 1940 by the data from the census can relive.
About 3.8 million images and 132 million records in the US 1940 census are placed on on 2 April. The images are immediately available and a searchable index is gradually made available because it is produced throughout the year 2012. We will also see the pictures and the index of the 1940 census bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland - for free - offer on our websites, bevölkerungsentwicklung deutschland which we own and operate under and
As an independent supplier of the US 1940 census

Quenched by countless empty shoes in the hallway, subdued samba rhythms and the invitation to delic

Quenched by countless empty shoes in the hallway, subdued samba rhythms and the invitation to delicious soup broke a bailiff in the bud from the foreclosure. He wanted to collect "penalties". This is "2011 City of Göttingen census collection gini coefficient agency" charged by the on the grounds that the person concerned would refuse to comply with the obligation to provide information. The repression during the Zensus2011 begins.
It could have been so nice: lunch from containment Erten treats had just finished when at last Mr. Walden by "trade enforcement service" (Reputation: 0551/4002369 Mon-Fri gini coefficient 6: 30-10: 00; Fax: -400 622 367) of the city of Göttingen rang. The announced time window "11:00 to 13:00" come to was almost exhausted, and first he jokes circulated would enable us, as he was so far displaced from us. The Sambatistas warmed up immediately and the executor was with the cry "the soup is ready." Welcomed. He had already called in the hallway with stakeholders outside the front door and speak alone, bear witness of the uncertainty and excessive gini coefficient demands. As did not address this claim immediately broke the "enforcer" the "measure" from without ever having entered the apartment. That is simple: he left it to start its work at all and could therefore neither the exercise nor prevented from being disturbed. The next time the bailiffs would like to bring to play friends. And why the questionnaire gini coefficient will not be easy to fill Zensus2011? "Most of the fully closed chain repression annoys me with those affected are forced to fill in the questionnaires." Founded gini coefficient one of the seized his refusal. Here is an authoritarian bureaucratic social order once again confirms itself: is the compulsion to answer the questions threaten not met as required "Forced Elder" which can be theoretically infinitely often required. Show the affected it can not convince the collection offices to apply Erzwingungshaft to still attract to complete the questionnaire. This general data hoarding has been previously gini coefficient recognized by all court justified. "We also want to show that it does not have to be simply gini coefficient accepted gini coefficient if the Contractor is coming" said Rebeca, one of the victims and advises: ". Networked you and überleg 'you how you can make the whole to your game" Finally, also means the already Threatened affidavit ("bankruptcy") neither the end nor political economic course of action. "You've got this old courses of action and thought patterns which privately owned regards to rethink" said Mary, who hardly restricted considers that its work despite eV. Information about the census:
Indymedia is a publication platform on which to each and every self-written reports to publish. A review of the content and editing of the contributions do not take place. For suggestions and questions about this item please contact directly to the author or the author. (Editorial policy of Indymedia Germany) gini coefficient
lol .. - ...

Monday, April 20, 2015

The one with the read aloud translations canada population httest you have liked. Hechel.Hechel. Bu

It was asked .... - after the street in which we live - after the construction of the house - the type of water supply and Mllentsorgung - if our house is rented or owned - the room number - some existing Electrical canada population th - for the presence of auto parts and vehicles canada population - the spoken languages in the house - our nationalities and whether we have the Paraguayan Cedula - since when we live in Paraguay - our training - our professions - the age and date of birth - how many people in our house is located and whether we have children .... and what I still know everything. canada population
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Just took a look in your blog thrown. canada population Very interesting. And of course we are happy again and again when we know that we have loyal readers who mgen our blog. Love Gre Anke and Thomas Reply to comment Permalink regina-g 01.12.2012 @ 08:36:54
... And there was really no demand to personally preferred Lektre ..? I mean, what you httest canada population then given ..? Moin, & many Gre vonne coffee table! Reply to comment Permalink thomasberlin13353 per 05.12.2012 @ 12:23:05
Last Lektre: EL James: Shades of Grey, Volume 1-3. Is on the Spiegel bestseller list at the time by the way on the top squares. Many size from just before the Spanish classes canada population Anke Reply to comment Permalink Canneletto per 06.12.2012 @ 10:16:55
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In fact this is probably something for women. But if you still want to learn something, both linguistically otherwise. All three are now in Bnde Supermercado Herrero kuflich purchase. Many Gre Anke Reply to comment Permalink Canneletto per 06.12.2012 @ 16:51:33
Read translations ... and there's the next Spanish course it .. ?? ....... What these are only for people who deal with their lives 150 years Literature ??? Tsssss ...... ****** ***** strategy Santander Moin, & many size for Thursday! Reply to comment Permalink thomasberlin13353 per 06.12.2012 @ 19:08:14
The one with the read aloud translations canada population httest you have liked. Hechel.Hechel. But did you ever get the Gutenberg Bible read in the original? H? many Gre Anke Reply to comment Permalink Leave a comment (Login) Comment Comment: * User Name: * Surname: * E-mail address (not visible): * Website canada population / URL (visible): Spam protection canada population Preview
Carnival 2014 thomasberlin13353 on 02/23/2014 17:41:37 Ollis puppies from thomasberlin13353 on 16/02/2014 00:22:27 guesswork out of the big package of thomasberlin13353 canada population on 15/02/2014 canada population 22:22:48 Shopping in the new supermarket. of thomasberlin13353 on 05/01/2014 23:29:57 We have again a project in the works, ... by thomasberlin13353 on 01.12.2013 14:18:44 In the streets it sounds lovely ... of thomasberlin13353 at 22.11.2013 13 : 37: 43 Things change from thomasberlin13353 on 30/09/2013 21:55:24 Mogelpackungen of thomasberlin13353 on 07.08.2013 19:47:29 We are again moved from thomasberlin13353 on 07.08.2013 canada population 19:26:26 canada population New Comment by Peter from Bremen on 21/02/2013 11:33:05 canada population by thomasberlin13353
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Sunday, April 19, 2015

The prelude we went through the partnership with the company Family Tree DNA, so that we could offe

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Now is the time when we think of what we have achieved in the last 12 months, so that we can plan our goals for the coming year. It is time for reflection, introspection and preparation.
The prelude we went through the partnership with the company Family Tree DNA, so that we could offer DNA testing for genealogy. Genetic Genealogy tests can help you find other members by Their results are compared with those on a growing population of texas database of hundreds of thousands of people.
However, the results could also reveal ethnic origin, which gives you an indication of where your ancestors lived, and have so you might get a new clue where you should look first. Our goal as a company, it is also to show new ways and deliver creative possibilities for your research, such as the range of DNA testing.
You have already invested a lot of time with the entry of birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates in your family tree, and with one click you can take this information population of texas into a beautiful family calendar, with all the family photos and important data - automatically.
The US Census 1940 was one of the highlights in 2012. The census, a genealogical gold mine, was released in April and MyHeritage was the first commercial organization that has published all online census images. We were also the first company that has indexed the records so that our users can search for relatives, population of texas without knowing exactly where their relatives lived in 1940.
At this time, we also have an update for the MyHeritage mobile app launches - since we offer a research function, which allows population of texas users to go to search the census and thus billions of other records.
During the 1940 census highlights, we also announced a few important facts. We welcomed two "heavyweights" in the MyHeritage family - Russ Wilding Chief Content Officer and Roger Bell VP Product. Since joining our team you are already traveled far to find interesting and varied historical collections to make them accessible to our users.
We will always remember Jun 2012 - an important milestone for MyHeritage - as we have reached the number of one billion profiles! The page nextweb also reported. And here you can see a video of the celebration in the office when we have cracked this number! In June, we also presented SuperSearch - the intelligent search engine with billions of historical records and millions of public pedigrees. This is now the de facto place to search by huge historical records, such as birth, marriage, population of texas death, funeral, census, military and immigration records, as well as yearbooks and more.
And after the SuperSearch launch, we have a new technology called Record Matching population of texas introduced in September, which automatically notifies MyHeritage users via entries in SuperSearch matching their profiles in their family tree.
Randy Seaver, a leading genealogist and bloggers, let us test the record-matching technology to its pedigree. Here you can read more about some of his previously unknown population of texas family members read the Record Matching discovered for him.
And finally, we have assumed population of texas a leading family population of texas history websites - This was eighth population of texas and largest acquisition by MyHeritage. It was large reported in the media and in the network of MyHeritage extended population of texas to 72 million registered users, 1.5 billion profiles and 27 million family trees. The websites of MyHeritage and Geni be kept separate population of texas and users will not experience population of texas any changes. population of texas The users of both websites will get matches from each other, and record matching technology MyHeritage will be introduced at so that their users have access to previously unknown historical records.
When we look back on 2012, we are really proud of what we have achieved. Our family grew, our collections of historical records has increased significantly, and we have introduced exciting technologies population of texas and products on our site.

Charlie Chaplin and his wife Paulette counted on a maid, a cook and chauffeur as part of their budg

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Yesterday we gave to upload all the images of the 1940 census known. Users searched the world for free in the census and have already discovered records of their ancestors on www.MyHeritage / 1940Census.
We could not resist according to records from celebrities to research us population by race who were alive in 1940. Thanks to our great team we have made some exciting discoveries. We invite you cordially now to look at the images of the census below: Elvis Presley
Charlie Chaplin and his wife Paulette counted on a maid, a cook and chauffeur as part of their budget. The census was created at the same time, as a Chaplin film "The Greatest Dictator" was published.
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Press to Pressemape Last items Contest - Easter pictures Giveaway: Easter Memories "Vintage 44" by Wolfgang Petzold - an extraordinarily eventful life - a war child breaks taboos MyHeritage Mobile app on Google Play Last comments Antonietta Läuchli to Post New Release - Family Tree Builder 7.0 Sabine root (Jansen) the contribution Dominik Dommer: My most interesting discovery - Part I Stefan Braun to the article "Year 44" by Wolfgang Petzold - an extraordinarily eventful life - a war child breaks taboos Stefan Braun to the article "Year 44" by Wolfgang Petzold - a exceptionally eventful life - a war child breaks taboos Categories Genealogy General Book Launch Family Tree Builder History Info International interview series Linktipps Funny My family history of updates to Press TV MyHeritage MyHeritage Betting survey draws Events Webinar Who am I? Archives April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 April 2013 May 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October us population by race 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 September 2011 August 2011 Oct 2011 Jul 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010

Saturday, April 18, 2015

If you read updates on the data processing of modern Smart TVs, you can ask the question of the imp

The blog for privacy news. Home Topics supervisors Employee Data Protection retail legislative amendments Health Privacy International Privacy Churches IT security policy population of michigan Customer Privacy jurisdiction Smart Meters Social Media Specials About the blog
"In population of michigan those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree to enter all the inhabitants of the world should be registered. This happened for the first time; at that time was Quirinius was governor of Syria. Since everyone went to his own town to register. And Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem; because he was of the house and lineage of David. He went to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. While they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she brought forth her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the inn for them. In that region there were shepherds camped in the fields, keeping watch over their flock. "
The protection of personal data of persons at that time was probably not an issue. No such rules or regulations Anyway, have survived - in today's estimation hardly imaginable.
Only the census approx 1983 years later led to a fundamental clarification as to whether and how government agencies can deal with data of their citizens and to the development of today's data protection law.
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It often happens that contact third parties to requests for information on employees population of michigan to their employers. Classics are here inquiries from police or prosecutor to address data because the employees population of michigan as ...
If you read updates on the data processing of modern Smart TVs, you can ask the question of the importance of confidentiality of the word in the Age of the Internet of things still plays. Offense ...
Legally, clarified: Anonymized data are not subject to data protection. population of michigan One can use anonymous data - considered purely data-protection laws - so do what you want. But sometimes population of michigan also produce things that ...
- Voltage - Voltage: At least for Privacy enthusiasts are expected shortly two with just this voltage (judicial) Matches at the door: On March 24, the ECJ negotiated the question of whether ...

Friday, April 17, 2015

The biggest concern was that with the help of computers easily a de-anonymization of data records i

The protests against the Census educacenso 1983 (and 1987) | silent concert
The following is an excerpt from my historical science master thesis entitled "Origins and Evolution of the Chaos Computer Club in the 1980s" (PDF | ePub). Further excerpts educacenso follow in the coming weeks. All previously published parts can be found here.
At an event on the topic of personnel information systems in December 1982 in Hamburg, an avalanche was unleashed, which is considered one of the greatest educacenso protest and boycott of the Federal Republic of the 1980s: the mass resistance to the 1983 planned and finally in 1987 by guided educacenso census. 1
Still under the social-liberal coalition represented by all parties in the Bundestag educacenso in the spring of 1982, a law was passed a national, professional, labor and housing census. The law provided to deliver questionnaires between educacenso 18 and 27 April 1983, using 600,000 meters every household in the Federal Republic and to collect them filled again until May 7. The questionnaires contained 36 questions about the apartment, the people living in the household and their workplaces, another questionnaire required disclosure of the name, address and telephone number. educacenso 2 Although the census was planned in principle only for statistical purposes and the data should therefore be collected anonymously, attracted the survey mistrust among the population. 3
The biggest concern was that with the help of computers easily a de-anonymization of data records is possible, 4 and that the records therefore misused by government authorities and used by the BKA or constitutional protection to complete their databases. 5 In the census, the fears, educacenso the impotence of citizens towards the equipped with computers and data information and monitoring state would totally.
Even before the event in Hamburg plans to census educacenso had been reviewed critically. educacenso In September 1982, members of the established "International War Resisters 'a' initiative educacenso census boycott". The occasion was less fear of the Census, rather than the idea of using the census as leverage against the state. Under the slogan "Politicians questions - answers citizens not!" educacenso Should be forced on the boycott of the census of the State to disclose "his" educacenso personal data - the secret locations of the planned deployment of cruise missiles. educacenso 6
Although joined educacenso the call to other groups, the event in Hamburg can only be regarded as the true starting point of the mass movement. Following a verbal piece on HR information systems at the University of Fine Arts, the census issue was raised as one of the women present had received a request educacenso by mail, to stand as Zählerin available. That same evening founded there a popular initiative, 7 which dealt in the following educacenso weeks intensively educacenso with the planned census. In a leaflet the initiative educacenso wrote the end of January 1983,
"Census sounds harmless. Each one shepherd his flock. But times have changed. Long no longer wants to know only the number of his fellow citizens 'Father State'. With the help of modern computer technology every citizen should be totally covered and verdatet in his life context. "8
By combining the planned census with existing educacenso in society fears computer managed the Hamburg initiative, kicking off an avalanche. Alone in Hamburg were founded in February 1983 by a further 20 initiatives nationwide is for the same period of up to 300 initiatives mentioned, the end of March of 500. 9
With the rapid growth of the protest educacenso and the mainstream educacenso media discovered the issue. The taz since January 1983 reported critically about the census and printed address lists of initiatives, educacenso thus fulfilling an important role in the nationwide mobilization and networking of the boycott movement. Other media, especially DER SPIEGEL, discovered the issue and reported increasingly critical. 10 As a result of the planned census every citizen was directly affected by the census, the mobilization potential was high. Therefore, the protest reached out quickly over the already easy to be mobilized and committed to peace and anti-nuclear movement West German protest milieu. While many citizens' initiatives promoted an open boycott of the census, alternatively, a silent boycott propagandierten, ie adding any incorrect information educacenso or the results to be difficult due to kinked or soiled automated evaluation questionnaires, 11 put other opponents of the census in a legal proceeding.
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Thursday, April 16, 2015

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Latest News Mayor Eustaquinho what is the population of the united states Moreira highlights acting capelenses athletes in Maceio Cup Karate Interestilos Infrastructure Secretariat performs maintenance on public lighting Health Department municipality includes 50 patients with dentures Students of Paula Gomes Abdon School are accompanied what is the population of the united states by PSE RLDP: Secretariat Health deliver 50 dental prostheses on Tuesday, 14. Endemic Diseases: Health Department warns the public about the care that must be taken to combat dengue Education! Students of the School Geraldo Medeiros de Melo enact the Passion of Christ and Health Education: PSE at school is launched in Chapel Civil Defense follows monitoring the places affected by heavy rains Day Individual Entrepreneur: On Wednesday, Town of Chapel and promote Sebrae consulting and workshop for microentrepreneurs
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The Town of Chapel will perform on the evening of Wednesday, 31 in Central Square, the New Year's Eve party with Top of the Line bands, Jhonny Valley and People Bonde. The event will eat at 22h and will also have fireworks show for the second consecutive year. The mayor of the municipality, Eustaquinho Moreira, makes the call to the population to participate in the celebrations.
"Once again, we invite all people to Capelense celebrate with us the arrival of the New Year. In 2015, we hope that we can all enjoy good health, peace, unity and great victories. We will continue to give priority to the development of our city. Tonight, I count on your presence and of the whole family, to commemorate the entry of the New Year, "said what is the population of the united states the mayor.
Mayor Eustaquinho Moreira highlights acting capelenses athletes in Maceio Cup Karate what is the population of the united states Interestilos

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

There are several reasons why Brazilian population of portland oregon families have opted for cats,

Post Column (José Luiz Martins) Post Column (Cassio Zanata) Post Column (Paulo Ferreira) Post Column (Camila Linberger) Post Column population of portland oregon (Alex Brunello) Post Column (Diogo Mono) Post Column (Miguel Stédile) Post Column (Allan population of portland oregon Moran) Post Column (Paper keyboard) Post Column (Marco Antonio) Post Column (Claudia Munck) Post Column (Clarissa Sa) Post Column (HenriqueRojas) Post Column (Alvaro Diorama) Post Column (Carlos Castle) Post Column (Destroyer Dogmas) Post Poetry
The cat population in Brazil is the second largest in the world, close to match the dogs. The option to have a cat as pet animal population of portland oregon grows so significantly in the country, which has encouraged the existence of exclusive veterinary clinics for the care of these animals. Given this change, the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine (CFMV) is an important warning: ensure health and animal welfare should be the initial thought of those who have or think about having cats.
There are several reasons why Brazilian population of portland oregon families have opted for cats, ranging from its easier population of portland oregon adaptation to smaller homes and the actual profile of these cats, more independent and self-sufficient. This explains the counselor CFMV Marcello Roza, who also points out: "before the person acquiring a cat, it needs to understand what is the most appropriate species to the family profile. So it is important to talk to a veterinarian before the decision to add a new member to the family, "he explains. In addition, only a veterinarian can pass reputable information needs, safety, health and welfare of these animals.
As Roza, Vice President of the Regional Council of Medicine of Veterinary Goiás (CRMV-GO), Wanderson Ferreira, gives the urban verticalization of Brazilian municipalities as a reason for the increase in the number of cats in homes. "In Brazil, the feline population grows an average of 8% per year, while the dog remains stagnant. In 2022, it is expected that there is 40 million cats in Brazil, "said Ferreira, who is also a member of Abinpet.
The expectation of Abinpet is that in seven years, the population of cats equals the dogs. There will be a cat for each puppy. "Currently, population of portland oregon there are 21 million cats in Brazil and 37 million dogs" "In the United States and Europe, there are more cats than dogs in homes. In the US alone currently are 80 million cats and 65 million dogs. "He says.
The Ferreira account that is common Brazilian residential population of portland oregon house nearly a cat. Therefore, in these cases is essential population of portland oregon to have knowledge of important details in order to ensure the health, safety and the good relationship population of portland oregon between them. One of the recommendations is the installation of a closed cattery to the ceiling, with stairs, as these cats like to sleep on higher ground. "The interaction is important for the well-being of the species. However, while cats are sociable, they initially did not tolerate other cats unknown at the initial presentation. Therefore, you should be aware of many animals in the same environment, "says Ferreira. "If there are more than three in the same house, it is important that each of them has its placeholder. Of course, the cats distinguish their own environments, without invading another's territory, "said the vice president of CRMV-GO.
Another recommendation on the animal's behavior is Dr. Marcello Roza. Although cats are more independent and can spend up to a week alone - if they are provided with sufficient water and food, and your box of sand clean and suitable for your use - you need to pay attention to long periods of absence of the owner, which can leave them destitute and depressive. "In population of portland oregon the case of travel, the ideal is to delegate responsibility to someone known to visit the cat every three days to replace population of portland oregon the water and the food, in addition to a little company to him," teaches the counselor CFMV.
The coexistence of these cats and humans can be peaceful, healthy population of portland oregon and satisfying for both sides. For this, inquire. population of portland oregon Talk to an average vet to understand the universe of cats, thus ensuring their health population of portland oregon and well-being.
Encourage your pet to drink water. Cats by nature take a little water. However, the beverage is required to secure a healthy population of portland oregon life. Keep water containers in different places population of portland oregon of the house.
For families with more than three cats and with enough space, we recommend the installation of a cattery. Watch out for that construction has total protection and is closed on the ceiling. Vale include within a ladder, as cats like to sleep on higher ground.
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