Saturday, November 30, 2013

As Galician, I shall, exposed above, to give my opinion on the larger macro trial held in Galicia.

Opinion we really live in a social state of law, truly democratic A Mariña - coast of Lugo - Lugo coast gives information
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Judge acquits all accused of causing ecological tragedy off the coast of Galicia Prestige, which by the way this has been today, most experienced environmental disaster in Spain. ETA prisoners who have committed the most heinous what is population crimes are being released, along with other dangerous common criminals. The ERE of Andalusia and Bárcenas case, dot daily politicians both the PSOE and the PP, in addition to prominent trade unionists. Thousands basely cheated by fraud Preferred; evictions everywhere; unemployment in crescendo as all this, the triumphalist corifeo some ministers and Montoro, etc.. To top it, a whole Attorney General, publicly expressed his joy, the non-imputation of a fixed and known Infanta of Spain, as evidenced by his staggering statements on the same subject, all other Mr. Prosecutor, this Again, the Fiscal Corruption, and what is already grotesque verging on the ridiculous, has been a recent television what is population appearance what is population of the former judge and all former Minister of Justice and now mayor of Zaragoza, Mr. Bellot, who without what is population compunction-thing it is your right, missing what is population more-he told viewers that in the case of the Infanta, he does not see any evidence for it to be charged, and that he did not impute judge. what is population
Before the rosary litany of nonsense, the question arises: Do we really live in the territory of a social state of law in which govern a democratic system, or we are immersed in fact, a kind of "Republic Patatera" that and stinks? what is population ... Ask about other logical and coherent at this point in the "movie" where the current party politics, and we certainly do not fit, we are seeing day by day, will sequester politically and socially speaking, true and real democracy citizens of a country that despite all the sorrow, continuous calling Spain.
As Galician, I shall, exposed above, to give my opinion on the larger macro trial held in Galicia. It lasted eight months, 400 hours in 89 sessions, with 204 statements what is population of witnesses and experts. Despite which, there have been many environmental and social organizations have been reporting, that have not been sitting on the dock, policy makers weather the magna Prestige tragedy that turned a thick mourning what is population occurred of black tar, coasts and beaches of our beautiful Galicia, generating pollution what is population and death of species everywhere, with consequent negative economic impact for those who always pay the price, because of the incompetence and numerous inadequacies of those others besides not pay anything, get away from "buttered" in our as "exemplary" and "exemplary" democracy (). Among the notable absentees in the macro trial, was not the former Minister of Public Works then, Francisco Alvarez Cascos, or self Mariano Rajoy, to remember at that time of the tragedy, serving as Deputy Prime Minister. The trial judge himself acknowledged at the time that, "many players missing." Given this statement, one can only say that of: "Switch off".
The judgment rendered indigestible, even despite its Indigestibility recounts no hint of modesty, which recognizes the serious damage suffered our shores, since the same 63,000 tonnes of fuel from the worst quality and most damaging were poured, which ocasionaron170 .000 toxic waste along some 2,900 kilometers of coastline and beaches affected about 1,117. That's what caused those famous "threads of clay" leaving Prestige hull. Remember him? Despite all this, the wise authors of so unusual and quirky judgment, assure us that, "there is no criminal liability," since "no one knows the exact cause of the failure," and another on top of their findings follows: " the difficulty of attributing specific responsibilities and failure what is population to investigate in detail some issues, "but that if it considers it proven that there was a structural failure in the oil for a" poor maintenance ". "The company that owns the ship knew that conditions were not right but he or

Friday, November 29, 2013

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

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Politics Jesus Vazquez, new provincial moedu gov iq secretary of the Socialist Youth of Navy - coast of Lugo - Lugo Navy information
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The extraordinary congress of the Socialist Youth of Galicia, in the provincial level, which was chaired by him PSOE leader in the province, Juan Carlos González Santín, on Sunday named Jesus Vazquez Tallón, new provincial secretary supported the unanimity of the delegates moedu gov iq attending, a historic a process of an organic nature.
Jesús Vázquez, aged 25, a teacher, said "es el time for seamos one real alternative to the de la Juventud province, through an active Walking trabajo calle y conociendo all the needs and problems of each one of them personas, the Acuerdo with the cultural diversity of the province of Lugo. We will work with de la mano Santín González, in order to bring forth that one two-way with him PS. Agradezco el apoyo de la militancy in the province, are ellos mi trabajo team. "
Mayor of Lugo, López Orozco, stressed "the moedu gov iq youth you are the present and future, we need young people, you know the concerns and realities of your scope. You have all my support for this new path that begins moedu gov iq with Jesus Vazquez ahead. "
The congress was attended by various organic positions and institutional party, in addition to the PS environments sectoral unions and the like, which arrouparon the candidacy of the new provincial secretary.
The Association of Rural Women Espalladoras The theater organizes a conference to be held in the pavilion of San Roman. The performances will take place at seven o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, November 30th the hand of Adal Group A (Fazouro) work with "love moedu gov iq Sense" by Francisco Pinheiro, the author of the work "knock down" the brothel of the group will take the Cervo Sunday, December 1 under the organization of the association of mountains of San Roman. The following weekend will end the conference with the representation of "Noises at home" directed by Luis Miguel Yañez by the stroke group (Alfoz) on Friday 6. On Saturday 7 will be the turn of the Batan group (Cangas de Foz) that will be placed on the skin of the characters in "Cambadelas" Pine Francisco, under the direction of Mari Paz Rodriguez. Finally, on Sunday 8 group Ardora (San Cibrao) put enrriba stage, the work of the same author and the previous direction, "Justice of law." Inauguration of 'reprisals' in Nursery
The Collective Thought and sowing continues its opening program moedu gov iq in Nursery, during the first half of December the exhibition "reprisals" the painter Celso Golden. This painting shows "in memory of Commander Moreno" was previously opened moedu gov iq in the town of Mondoñedo and now comes the Nursery which will be inaugurated on Saturday November 30 at 19 hours in the room of the Library, in the Plaza Mayor. Participate in this inaugural event, in addition to the painter Navy, the musician Vadim Yukhnevich. Conference on 'United in fact'
This Thursday, November 28th at 20:30, moedu gov iq at the House of Literature, Roberto Mansilla will dictate a conference on "de facto States. A taboo topic in international politics" moedu gov iq under the organization of the Association cultural Francisco Lanza. Roberto Mansilla is an analyst and researcher at IGADI, Galician Institute of Analysis and International Documentation. The IGADI is an independent body and not-for-profit that aims to research the main international issues and activation strategies that encourage the projection of Galicia in the world in all fields. Also, the OMIC Ribadeo is open to the public an exhibition relating to this same subject. Course defense
A course of defense began this afternoon in Ecomuseum Cervo on the occasion of the Week against Gender Violence. Around 15 women participating in this training activity to be held in three days to finish this Thursday, November 27th. David Fine, the Thursday Musical
David Fine will perform on Thursday, November 28th at the Conservatory of Nurseries in the scheduling of Thursday Musical Thought organized by the group and sowing. The concert will begin at 20:30. Dinner dance in mycological Tapia
The sports club of Casariego Marquis de Tapia closes this mycological conference in 2013 with a dinner-dance to be held on Saturday, November 30th at nine thirty in the evening moedu gov iq in the restaurant moedu gov iq of El Álamo Rapalcuarto the music of Disco Mobile Mourelle. Club Deportivo "Marqués de Casariego" want to "contribute this year difficult and complicated, lowering prices compared to last year, collaborating in this way to all to join

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Since directive ACISA make

Chronicle ACISA collected more than 500 signatures against the continuous cuts in electricity supply are recognized in Navy - coast of Lugo - Lugo Navy information
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Ribadeo, November 12, 2013. The Merchants Association, Industrial, Services and Self Ribadeo already collected more than 500 signatures against the continuous population of usa cuts in electricity supply are recognized in the locality and to demand a decent population of usa service.
All those people who want to leave their signatures and support ACISA letter that you send to the Ministry of Industry to denounce population of usa this situation and to demand from the Government that they control the service provided Begasa, the supplier company, may do so by approaching population of usa offices ACISA, which are located on the second floor of No. 20 Avenue de Galicia. Also, if you want to know all those points population of usa go to those who sign can get more information by calling 982 120 565, during office hours.
Since directive ACISA make "one llamada all the population Ribadeo to participate in this campaign Recogidas signatures. La union hace la fuerza y muestra to a button. La platform affected by them abuses of market electric Navy has achieved it Ombudsman population of usa if Haya Heche eco sus complaints and that these lleguen before him Minister of Industry to proceed to the opening of a procedure for prior actions, after Quejo them posted by the changes of counters that have been made in the last months. " ACISA adds that "esto es un ejemplo of them that you Associations y los vecinos, together, we can achieve."
The Merchants population of usa Association, Industrial, Services and Self Ribadeo preparing a new talk next to platform affected by the abuses of power market to analyze issues such as accountants, letter to the Ombudsman directed to this group, cuts in electricity supply population of usa occurring in Ribadeo and possible compensation to which you opt in if they meet minimum required.
A course of defense population of usa began this afternoon in Ecomuseum Cervo on the occasion of the Week against Gender Violence. Around 15 women participating in this training activity to be held in three days to finish this Thursday, November 27th. David Fine, the Thursday Musical
David Fine will perform on Thursday, November 28th at the Conservatory of Nurseries in the scheduling of Thursday Musical Thought organized by the group and sowing. The concert will begin at 20:30. Dinner dance in mycological Tapia
The sports club of Casariego Marquis de Tapia closes this mycological conference in 2013 with a dinner-dance to be held on Saturday, November 30th at nine thirty in the evening in the restaurant of El Álamo Rapalcuarto the music of Disco Mobile Mourelle. Club Deportivo "Marqués de Casariego" want to "contribute this year difficult and complicated, lowering prices compared to last year, collaborating in this way to everyone to join us." Thus, the price of the activity is 22 euros for members and children over 10 years, 24 euros for non-members population of usa and 15 for those under 10 years. Those interested can remove entries until Wednesday 27 in their own restaurant in La Dorada or the Cantabrian (Ribadeo) or on mobile reservándoas Club: 659 000 707 (Rafa) 689 175 515 (Jose Luis) and 608 540 828 (Eva) . The menu will consist of: Puding mushrooms, mushrooms stuffed with ham, octopus with mushrooms and baked potato, pork tenderloin with mushrooms and potatoes, mushroom pie, wine, liqueurs and coffee. Women in Equality Burela Day against gender violence
Women in Equality Burela participated in ACOT organized by the City of Burela an informative table located in the main entrance of Town Hall handing out purple ties, commemorative plates and catalogs prevention of gender violence, as well as information about when and to report to agencies. Also, again participated in events organized by the City which included population of usa a lecture given by a technical CIM under the title "Woman, you are CIM it." The president of the group, Mary Fraga, emphasizes prevention and counseling by parents, population of usa guardians, teachers, etc.. towards the education of children population of usa from an early age to prevent violent behavior that can be developed in the future. Trip to Cuenca on the bridge of the Constitution
Friends of Travel organizes a tour for new bridge December Cuenca, Alcázar population of usa de San Juan, Belmonte, population of usa and Alba Argamasilla Tomelloso, among other locations. For the trip, which will take place between 6 and 8

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Download Link File Methodology This section contains a detailed list of entities and population centers existing on 1 January of each municipality, including its codes and their populations referred to that date. It is obtained by updating the population centers and institutions that councils do in their municipalities and in compliance with current legislation, tokyo population the INE communicate at least once a year. Populations have been calculated using the population figures from the annual revisions of the municipal registers, which are declared tokyo population official by the Government on the proposal of the INE, the favorable report of the Registration Council, by royal decree. It should be noted that until 2002, for some municipalities the INE has not disposed tokyo population of the relevant municipal register files, tokyo population so that they have not been able to obtain the population below the municipal level. List: Continuous Population Census for Population Unit Quick search (No need to type the full name)
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Monday, November 25, 2013

The motion raises the Plenary Deputación population dynamics urge the Xunta de Galicia to, immediat

The BNG order a Plenum of the Xunta urging Deputación let Pediatric Surgery The Government of Ourense Ourense Deputation faces a motion Friday asking the BNG Xunta urge to reverse its decision to unify Pediatric Surgery Vigo . Nationalists propose to ask the Xunta Deputación "continuing care" in Ourense as it has existed until now, and deny validity to the argument that manages to move Sergas pediatric interventions population dynamics to Vigo
The Group BNG on Deputation of Ourense announced Thursday it will take the regular October plenary session population dynamics to be held on Friday, a motion that asked to call on the Regional Government to reverse the decision to join the service in the health area of Pediatric Surgery Vigo Ourense. population dynamics Nationalists and collect the sentiments of the public during these last days, manifestly contrary to the decision of the Ministry of health of the Xunta de Galicia.
The motion raises the Plenary Deputación population dynamics urge the Xunta de Galicia to, immediately, hire the need to maintain a service of Ourense Hospital Complex that this city has so far been providing medical staff. The BNG speaks of "continuing care" in this service, Pediatric Surgery, in "all to care and pediatric actividade cirúrxica and so all activitie to care and develop sen cirúrxica is poida NEEDS to refer patients to outras health areas."
Despite the data that the Sergas ensuring population dynamics that in Ourense has been producing a steady reduction in the child population, the Provincial BNG Group argues that the ultimate purpose of the Xunta "é a máis na do step empeoramento planned population dynamics path do Servizo Galego de Saúde ", and that the action was actually taken to" optimize resources, "or because of" reducing child poboación ". But to consummate population dynamics the "estratéxico impairment" that results in "do increase private business."
TODAY ONE YEAR AGO 25, THURSDAY Manuel Baltar emphasizes the improvement of almost 1 point on the results of PP 21-O in respect of 2012 Republishing bipartite in the capital with AGE and BNG would be doubtful, because "they are like Cain and Abel, "says City Council population dynamics of Ourense Baltar The maximum force law allowing salary payments in case of low Benestar da Xunta intended máis 500,000 euros to 9 in 29 emprego obradoiros of Ourense concellos The People of San Martino also accuses crisis but trust exceed population dynamics 6,000 runners in Ourense

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Newborns are already aware of your own body 2.

Technologies transport systems Chemical Engineering and Technology Electrical Engineering and Space Engineering Technology Computer Engineering Technology and Environmental population of alaska Technology Food Technology Industrial Technology Materials Technology Technology and Mechanical Engineering Technology Energy Technology Metallurgical Technology Telecommunications Other technological fields BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH
Clinical Epidemiology Science Medicine population of alaska Internal Medicine Pathology Pharmacology job Psychiatry Public population of alaska Health Preventive Toxicology Other medical specialties MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY Mathematics Physics Chemistry Astronomy population of alaska and Astrophysics HUMANITIES Linguistic Sciences population of alaska Arts and Humanities History Philosophy Science Ethics SOCIAL SCIENCE Information
Global population data between 1900 and 2010 have served a team of researchers from the Autonomous University of Madrid for believing that the number of people on Earth will stabilize by mid-century. The results, obtained using a physical model, matching the forecasts downward population of alaska UN. Learn more about: population of alaska world population model economy
According to estimates by the United Nations, the world population in 2100 will move into a range between 15,800 million for the highest estimate, and 6,200 million for the lowest, even a figure below 7,000 million population of alaska today.
A mathematical model developed by a team from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and CEU-San Pablo seems to confirm the lower estimate and a stagnation or even a slight decrease in the number of people on Earth in the middle of this century XXI.
For the study, published in the journal Simulation, we have used the series offers UN population between 1950 and 2100. After been applied mathematical equations population of alaska used in scientific fields such as physics of condensed matter.
"This is a model that describes the evolution of a two-tier system in which there is a probability of transition from one to another," explains to SINC Felix F. Muñoz, researcher and co-author UAM.
The team has considered the Earth as a closed and finite system, where there does not affect migration of people inside, and where the fundamental principle of conservation of mass-in this case, biomass and energy is satisfied.
"Within this general principle, the variables that limit the top and bottom of the two levels of the system are the rates of birth and death," said Munoz, who noted that there has been a change in the relationship population of alaska between population of alaska the two variables Over the last century.
"We start from a general situation of high fertility and high mortality, with slow growth for the first, population of alaska he adds, but soon falls in mortality in the second half of the twentieth century by the health improvements and increased hope life, and it seems that the population will grow well. However, in the last three decades the number also drops lots of children born in the world. "
The sigmoid-curved S-shaped model reflects this, with a turning point in the mid-80s of last century, when the population begins to reduce its rate of growth up to stabilize around 2050.
The data also reflect the downward trend in the number of UN projections. "Overcrowding was a ghost in the 60s and 70s, but historically population of alaska have been meeting the expectations of the low fertility variant of the UN," says Muñoz.
In as close as 1992 it was expected that 2010 would be 7.170 million people on Earth, instead of the actual 6,800 million. In fact, the fertility rate has fallen over 40% since 1950.
"This work is a trial to the debate, but we do not enter into significant population of alaska economic, demographic and political consequences that may involve the stabilization and aging global population," concludes the researcher.
Julio A Gonzalo, Felix Fernando Munoz, David J Santos. "Using a rate equations approach to model World population trends". Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling population of alaska and Simulation International 89: 192-198, February 2013.
Please note that SYNC is not a health clinic. For such advice, go to a medical service.
Newborns are already aware of your own body 2.
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Minister Hogan announces Celtic World national campaign to highlight to responsible dog ownership T

Galicia [Weather] International Economics Society National Sports Culture Stories Supplements martima Editorial Interviews Opinin A.Ibrica Press Complaints Classifieds. It happened Social Ser-People charcuterie. Diversity Health Farndula Jurdico Celtic World Latin Africa-Asia Eurocultura Languages Classroom-Corruption australia population Energies Chiringuitos Exper. Wasteful Diaspora Universities [+] In pictures. Photos on Flickr Videos Television Mobiles [Hoxe] Most Viewed Tourist Shopping Job Listings Other Countries Only Text Search. + S-XXI Corsairs Cabrero [+] Shipwrecks. Officials. Classifieds News Sports Shipyards Lonjas Fisheries Shellfish Fishing Reports Interviews Litoral Cofradias Search Other countries Xornal Galicia People [prediction] Mediterraneo australia population Jurdico Canned Beaches Ms + views Complaints formation Pescadores Islands australia population Ports Boats [Technologies] Aquaculture Wasteful News Today Only Text Worldwide. + "Links. + Data Base. + Ms + views
Minister Hogan announces Celtic World national campaign to highlight to responsible dog ownership The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Phil Hogan TD, today (22/11/2013) Announced the ... Marquis of Miraflores: australia population Ambassador Extraordinary Mission Lecture on a European diplomatic Few other Representatives have left lasting legacy Such a culture on the Irish diplomatic stage ... McGinley officially opens Dublin Book Festival 2013 Dinny McGinley TD, Minister of State at the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, will this evening australia population ... Corruption Big demonstrations against the intention of the Government of Mariano Rajoy pretending. + GREENPEACE ACTIVISTS DEPLOY A BANNER australia population OF 315 M2 BUILDING IN SPAIN WITH MOTTO "NO to. + Bruxelas increases or orzamento do Erasmus program mentres Wert in nome or PP all we want. + ao O BNG demand espaol Goberno that will guarantee that college and university of Galiza, and do do conxunto australia population State. + Wasteful public what the presuepuesto Almost the mita Xunta de Galicia is wasted in Xornadas,. + The Sergas, with more attacks Consellera australia population health sitema Galician, hundreds of seniors have. + Os daspolticas effects do PP non co nen ecen within Dunha civil war of extermination. + OS A SOCIALIST reproach FEIJOEA CONDE OS DRAMTICOS australia population EFFECTS ON A CRUEL SOCIEDADE DAS RESTRITIVAS TWO MEASURES. + Previous News Newspaper November, 2013 Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
News this month V Centenario Santa Teresa de Jess .. vila 2014 (+) EU Report on Espaa .. (+) Ms news today [+] "Where Campaign petition this money from the Prestige volunteers?, if you wish to help click here [+] 'Album [+] "People [+] Videos [+] Farandula [+]' Focus of the week. Freeview Tv Tourism Home Complaints Ms Videos [+] Current Iberian: A Coruña | Alava | Albacete | Alicante | Almeria | Asturias | Avila | Balearic | Barcelona | Burgos | Cáceres | Cadiz | Castellón | Ceuta | Ciudad Real | Córdoba | Cuenca | Girona australia population | Granada | Guadalajara | Guipúzcoa australia population | Huelva | Huesca | Jaen | La Rioja | Las Palmas | Leon | Lleida | Lugo | Madrid | Malaga | Melilla | Murcia | Navarra | Ourense | Palencia | Pontevedra | Salamanca | Santander | Segovia | Sevilla | Soria | Tarragona | Tenerife | Teruel australia population | Toledo | Valencia | Valladolid | Vizcaya | Zamora Universities | Farndula | Health | Diversity | Jurdico | Celtic World | Latin | Africa-Asia | Eurocultura | Languages | Energies | Beach Bars | Corruption australia population | Aula-Experience in pictures. Facebook Photos den [+] - | - The da in images. - | - Photos on Flickr Sea Fishing australia population in Galicia and a virtual tour martimo Pladesemapesga fishing from everything you need, know and understand and Sea Fishing. Cangas Burela australia population Cedeira Corme & nb

- The new hospital in Vigo. The hospital is needed, for years, in the south of Galicia, was awarded

Lately we learned of the existence of a new profession: the liquidator of companies. It is a skill that takes a bankrupt company and using various financial devices, get huge profits with your (leaving workers on the street). Angel Cape became a millionaire and achieved notoriety with the liquidation of companies Diaz Ferran (president of the CEOE one who told us that we had to work more and charge less). Now they are both in jail.
The central government and the autonomous regions governed by the PP are acting as liquidators of real public health. Sustainability claim to defend, but actually make decisions that contribute to their deterioration and privatization. No rest. Even in the month of August. On the contrary, took the holiday period will push for measures that represent real attacks on the national health system (NHS). Let's do a brief review of recent developments:
- The photo before the holidays. The last day of July in La Moncloa Rajoy met a group of like-minded organizations with which it signed a "Pact for the sustainability of the NHS." After the ceremonial signing photo made rigor which was publicized as a historical event. But it is actually a sad parody greece population of a hoax and denounced by unions and public health greece population advocates. The agreement states that this FADSP lacks practical content, which represents a further step in the strategy of deteriorating public health and that this publicity stunt only aims to curb the demonstrations of professionals and citizens against the privatization of the system.
- Madrid privatized. Despite the massive response the rulers of the Community of Madrid persist in its privatization efforts. greece population Nor have they taken into account the two unresolved judicial remedies: via Madrid will see their privatized hospitals shortly and a million. After a dark and opaque-Sanitas three private companies, Ribera Salud and the Puerto Rican Hima San Pablo (specializing in health tourism) process - could take over the management of six hospitals. The Madrid greece population PP pushed this measure despite the historical evidence: previous experiences in other geographies had negative consequences for the population, professionals and public health itself. greece population Currently this process is paralyzed: a Madrid court has ordered the preventive suspension of outsourcing in response to a demand from the professional association Afem. But public greece population money not only escapes this way into the pockets of private companies. greece population The Madrid Health increased the budget concert with private clinics by 55%. This increase is by far the largest greece population in recent years.
- The new hospital in Vigo. The hospital is needed, for years, in the south of Galicia, was awarded by the government of a UTE Nunez Feijoo (Joint Venture) constituted by construction ruined greece population and bankrupt banks. The hospital takes more than a year stopped: the concessionaire fails that no financial institution will grant credit. But the regional government persists in its privatization effort. Against all rules changes allowed in the contract and even the composition of the UTE. In early August Nunez Feijoo said they had achieved the necessary funding to continue construction. But in this case, money will be provided by the European greece population Investment Bank (EIB), the Official Credit Institute (ICO) and banks rescued with public money (which include Novagalicia Bank, with hundreds of people affected by Fraud preferred). Therefore, the new hospital will be funded with public money to pay dividends after the on-UTE dealership companies. Mal future awaits public health in southern Galicia if the situation does not change. Recall that the private hospital Povisa serves a large part of the poboación area (part of the city of Vigo and the Peninsula

Friday, November 22, 2013

In Cafe Steiner the best ideas and analysis on international current events that occur in the cente

In Cafe Steiner the best ideas and analysis on international current events that occur in the centers of thought, institutions, magazines and Internet forums are collected most influential. Coffee mailbox Steiner (@ is open: we hope the best arguments, data and analysis.
A majority of Spaniards (55%) think that the use of chemical weapons sototallytoby by the Assad regime to justify military intervention by third countries (Table 1). That majority is transverse, ie, it is so wide on the left (PSOE voters) and right (PP voters). On the other side of the argument, only a minority (27%) think that the conflict is an internal matter that affects only the Syrians.
As seen in Table 3, the Spaniards believe the vast majority (81%) that the UN should take a leading role in this crisis. Ideally, supporters of military intervention would want will take place through the deployment of a peacekeeping contingent to impose a cease-fire (87%). But a 49-45% (depending on the wording of the question) would settle the UN authorized military intervention by third countries.
This in theory. But what should Spain? Involved with or abstain? Here the population is divided into two: 46% would be consistent with the above and support the participation of Spain in a UN-sponsored (TABLE 4) operation. However, 47% would not want Spain to get involved in any way and under any condition, while the UN authorized it. Thus, among those who support a mission of bringing the United Nations and that Spain would be willing to participate in it u na considerable gap. Although sympathizing with the intervention, there are many who prefer that Spain does not participate sototallytoby in it. How would you describe this attitude? Pacifism?? Realism? Cynicism?? Common sense?? The terms you choose.
In any case, the point on the UN appears vital for although the Law on National Defense 2005 authorizes the Spanish Armed Forces to participate in UN sponsored missions, but also by NATO or the EU (even without mandate Express UN), the Spanish seem to be clear that, although the legitimacy of the intervention was justified, the requirement of international law can not be ignored.
Source: The source of this data is Metroscopia, which in its latest barometer, whose results were published in the Sunday Journal ELPAIS introduced three specific questions on Syria. Interviews were conducted on 4-5 September, coinciding with the G20 meeting where Obama tried to gather as much support from the international community.
Is the first question from a false assumption that neither involves .. .. says the Syrian regime use chemical weapons and that's to be seen .... This study is supported by a false affirmation to prove this ... because the Syrian government denies having used such weapons ... some have also said that he was employed by the "rebels" ... that mercenaries ... to bring foreign intervention ... Here the conflict is obvious sototallytoby that are involved tens of thousands of mercenaries from Libya, Afghanistan, the Caucasus and other Russian nationalities, with some Spanish incluyento fools arabian origin ... "professional murderers sototallytoby who are paid by the princes 'noble' Saudis.
Is to think that bombing Libyan style vamosq not solve much. To do it right would have to go with our own troops, doing well, stepping and cleaning every inch. One of the great problems of the post-Iraq situation was that not only I move very fast (hardly secure control of the country) but the army and the Baath party blew up, destroying the old administration to put a new one. Conclusion, chaos, a weak country, and sectarian clashes. In terms infrarstructurasla mains back 20 years, not to mention other infrarstructuras such as roads, and of course, sototallytoby Iraq is barely skirting the cost of reconstruction. We should see, then, if a Western intervention will bring prosperity to Syrians sototallytoby
The survey and its interpretation are biased, as well as evidence that it is possible the agreement of the Security Council of the United Nations for an attack on Syria, without which the 96% of Spanish declined, posing as an alternative to surgery do nothing "whatever happens" and not on the conditions and circumstances known the answers. And that most support a mediating intervention of peacekeepers, not a military attack, in any case, we do not want to be part clearly reflects that the Spaniards, as citizens

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Keywords documentary popmorsa coordinating center city today elixido enchufismos this beautiful fes

Home Galleries Home Frida & Lolo VNRs readers Advertorials Ourense Province With A walking stick control Allariz Baixa Limia Limia Celanova Carballio Monterrei O O Ribeiro popmorsa Valdeorras educational space Galicia opinion Opinion Columns Letters to the Editor Letter Quen cho Spain, he said World Motor Sport Business Sport + Local General Special Sections San Martio + People Society Technology Culture History in 4 times Contribute News readers Debate Polls open Agenda Cultural Services Bulletin Billboard Street popmorsa Shopping Weather Obituaries Health Pharmacies Gua Newspaper Horoscope Estate Press Club Draws Jobs Transport Traffic Webcams
Editorial Galaxia Fernandez Latorre receives award Merkel and Draghi urge countries in crisis to continue with reforms popmorsa and adjustments 5,000 euros Ruz denies unlock accounts Brcenas woman had sex with Berlusconi 'Ruby' by ' huge amounts of money 'The daughter of the mayor of Beade refuses to call' terrorist 'a Socialist councilor mayor estimated 500,000 euros in damages to the session by the explosion Beade The new council will not have symbols of Franco's Planning mayor accuses the PP of 'lying' on the license of a health center Flash: Where am I? > Ourense
Keywords documentary popmorsa coordinating center city today elixido enchufismos this beautiful festival farta happy end private yard ourense minutes immersed seventh provincial proclamation soft tarrio all Xuventude
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The Official popmorsa Journal of Galicia (DOG) resolution published yesterday Sergas amending peditrica shared area of surgery is created to the south of Galicia, which enshrines the removal of children popmorsa with urgent pathologies, Ourense, Vigo Verny O boat on CHUO when they can not be served 'with guarantees', according to the manager Sergas, popmorsa Nieves Dominguez, also what patients seguirn making processes complex or risk, and will Vigo long.
Although the resolution does not specify how to articulate this shared area more than for scheduled operations, the protocol developed by pediatric popmorsa services of the two hospital popmorsa complexes in the wall establishment seven children years. Above that age, podrn be operated in Ourense Hospital Complex, operated by general surgeons, provided that in the case of acute appendicitis or acute scrotum, the most common ailments that come through the emergency department, which and prevents the indiscriminate transfer of children to Vigo, which occurred in recent months. Acute appendicitis popmorsa is also operarn in O Barco, but patients in more than seven years of Vern Sern transferred popmorsa to Ourense and all is deciding According to the case. Below that age and other ailments, already considered complex, the protocol marks the transfer to Hospital Complex of Vigo All in the case of urgent interventions are scheduled podrn organize the CHUO 'demand to give coverage gives you mantendo poboacin Ourense and standards of calidade Seguridade'. In fact, the resolution of the DOG and the explanatory statement Sergas appeals to these two concepts to justify the creation of the shared area, and reaches sealar this management model is produced under the Law 8/2008, health Galicia, in its article 22 'set as principles do reitores sade public system of Galicia enhance or Traballo ea interhospital cooperation, achegar you Servizos s cidadns and promote access Equidade not prestacins s health '. The statement of the Xunta, which accompanies the act of photographs in which the creation of shared-yesterday, in the presence of the area responsible Sergas is formaliz with integrated popmorsa Gestin managers Ourense and Vigo and the heads of both complexes-pediatrician, said that low demand is proven cases of surgery on CHUO peditrica, Verny O Barco, ah the unification with Vigo, although no specific popmorsa quin oversee the smooth f

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11/05/2013 [Gal / Cast] A Announces CIG das mobilizacións against reform unha Boarding houses x CIG :: Ms articles of this author / or: Campaign launched wot statistics by the IGC meetings and demonstrations in all districts against pension reform
Or Secretary xeral gives IGC Seixo Suso, eo gives trade union representative not do Estado CES, Luis Burgos, comparecían this press Rolda mana to analyze or scope gives Boarding houses das reform intends to adopt or ruled by Mariano Rajoy before auction or year and present post-up campaign pola trade union, wot statistics which includes asembleas and Manifestacions in all districts or vindeiro wot statistics as novembro 14.
For this reform to cause unha IGC REDUCTION actuais give Boarding houses and future and aims of which is to poboación to subscription ales de Pensions massive private plans to feed or give banking business and give insurers.
A chamada "Regulatory Lei do and do Sostenibilidade Factor Appreciation Index System Boarding houses do Seguridade Social da" or substantially modify current system de Pensions artigos dous through introducing, for band or chamado unha sostenibilidade factor, wot statistics isto é condition to Boarding houses Contia give life to hope, and pola outra, wot statistics a de novo appreciation index, which eliminate wot statistics or IPC suppose as a reference for a Bathshua update.
"Paran 42 years to recover missing wot statistics or lost purchasing power that nestes six years with this formula and iso not mellor two cases, because like all variábeis as Prévisions do depend das ruled, and these are subxectivas, non know."
The secretary general of the IGC, Suso Seixo, and the representative of the trade union in the state CES, Luis Burgos, comparecían this morning at a press conference to discuss the scope of the pension reform intends to adopt the government wot statistics of Mariano Rajoy before the end of the year and present the campaign launched wot statistics by the trade union, which includes meetings and demonstrations in all districts on 14 November.
For the IGC this reform will cause a reduction of the current wot statistics and future pensions and aims of which is to the population to mass subscription private pension plans to power the business of banking and insurance. wot statistics
The called wot statistics "regulating and Sustainability Factor Appreciation Index Pensionens System of Social wot statistics Security" substantially modifies the current pension system through wot statistics two items introducem, first called sustainability factor, this is condiconar the amount of pensions to life expectancy, wot statistics and secondly, a new revalirización index, which involves removing the reference CPI for updating.
"It will take 42 years to recover the purchasing power to be lost in these six years with this formula and that in the best case, because wot statistics as all variables depend on government estimates, and these are subjective, do not know".
Hours and locations Manifestacions give Ourense: 20:00 Ás do pavillon dos Remedios. Pontevedra: 20:00 Ás da da Ferrería Praza VILAGARCIA: 20:00 da Casa do Mar Vigo: 20:00 Ás Via Norte da Compostela: 20:00 Ás da Roxa Praza Lugo: 20:00 pm Round da da Wall Ferrol: 19:30 hours Local saída do do union. Esteiro Avda La Coruna: 20:00 Vigo praza
Contact La Haine :: Give us calls and activities! Spanish State | Barcelona | Basque Country | Galiza | Madrid | Salamanca | Valladolid | World

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Weapons Francisco Pages Group Cabalar Bethlehem population of philadelphia Manolo Castro Francisco

TO Blog Archive Strategies territorial Planification et dans la société Actuelle
Summary: The planning and land management is a public policy that has the ability to influence the development and well-being of society. As public policy materializes from development planning instruments, spatial population of philadelphia planning, which are specified in intervention programs. population of philadelphia They stated the political will and the various stakeholders, as well as the majority of the population in relation to the strategies to be followed in a particular territory. This publication contains some of the teaching materials developed for the master himself on "Planning, Local Development and Regional Planning in West Africa", University population of philadelphia of Santiago de Compostela. It consists of seven chapters that address various issues, among which are the migration flows between Europe and West Africa, the planning and management of natural areas in today's world, the role of new technologies for rural development, among others.
Weapons Francisco Pages Group Cabalar Bethlehem population of philadelphia Manolo Castro Francisco Durán Rubén C. Lois Lucrezia Macía Lopez Carlos Alberto Marti Angel Miramontes Orduña Teresa Miguel Pazos Valerià Paül Piñeira José María Román Rodríguez David Joseph M. Santomil Santos Rosa Verdugo Other researchers News Thematic Projects Publications Activities Categories population of philadelphia Select population of philadelphia Category Activities Articles Private Projects News Publications population of philadelphia
2013 FACE.

But there is more, Conferences, Forums, Lectures, and all kinds of bars to taste that dissolve in t

High connection and Partners Start session. Associate. Retrieve password. [+] Partners [+]. The first day of Spain on the Sea and Fisheries Updated PDAs [+] Accessibility statscan
Engage Platform statscan Us Documents statscan Links Articles campaigns Press Webpage Manuals Education Partners Contributors Awards nete donation Corsairs Rural and Sea Shipwrecks Galicia Xornal Siglo XXI. Officials. Shipyards News Sports Classifieds Lonjas Shellfish Fisheries Coastal Fishing Reports Interviews Search Guilds Xornal Other countries Galicia People [prediction] Canned Mediterranean Beaches legal consultation Ms + views Complaints formation Fishermen Boats Islands Ports [Technologies] Wasteful Aquaculture News Today In the World Text Only. + "Links. + Data Base. + Ms + views Pladesemapesga Cain Vessels Ports World-Arrivals-Departures Arrivals planned Corridor Galicia Finisterre Wasteful Fishing Cedeira Corme Cangas Aguete Burela Foz Muxa Malpica Caramial Sada Portosin Baiona Rianxo Walls San Ciprian Ribeira San Noia Razo Corcubin Senxo Camelle Cain arou Galicia Popular Party, founding the management extends between government, local councils and associations to Travs neighbors to achieve the broader partisan public statscan money . Xornal Pladesemapesga of the Sea and Fisheries | Sunday, November 17, 2013 - 10:43 Advertising ... Free for the PP?, CETPEC, Arao Foundation, Ocano Vivo Foundation, and the last acquisition n FRENSS, ridden by Rosa Quintana, Carlos Enrique Losada Negreira and ..... all with alleged irregularities and Pladesemapesga statscan trial, without benefit of any kind for society and nothing to do with public money that you use noting that it uses for its recipients.
But there is more, Conferences, Forums, Lectures, and all kinds of bars to taste that dissolve in two or three days without a trace of squandered public money without their managers assume that "scores" of waste p public that is not theirs. Example. Rallies in Celeiro: Ao 2012, a beach bar for two days with all expenses paid to related to PP in luxury hotel in the area with senior Magrama and the Xunta de Galicia, about 60,000 euros, approximate cash European groups belonging and GAC, as they refused to confirm the figures, and all washed down with a seafood, to close elementary event, called "product tasting Celeiro" .... Go straight statscan face?. The more "bleeding" is the organizer of the "stall" and is preparing for this year the end of this month of November, after leaving prescripcin prosecuted for the crime of forgery n of public documents, as Secretary of Celeiro Cofrada in the name and representation of the Xunta de Galicia .. But sorprndase You, Pladesemapesga puts facts known to the MAGRAMA, through Administrative Procedure complaint Comn, giving no answer, covering up and colluding with Mr. Mximo Muniz ... . We wonder? .. Being Celeiro Secretary Mr paying favors in the organization of the stall provided for the purpose of Celeiro month with all expenses paid including seafood tasting autctono .... XVIII Conference on Techniques of Dissemination of the Fisheries Sector. (Celeiro-29 and November 30, 2013), under the very noses of the Foundation CETPEC in bankruptcy with a "money pufo audience of more than 2 million euros) that supposedly were destined for sector people Celeiro fishing martimo-vern or olisquearan not cntimo one, that if Sern used to justify this waste more befitting a police court that a Gestin on public officials. statscan But there are still more, our illustrious Conselleira, Doa Rosa Quintana, maximum responsibility in the protection of these efforts, can not think of anything better statscan to be mounted next to Carlos Negreira, Mayor of La Coruña by the Popular Party and Mr Enrique Losada, President of the Port Authority of A Coruña, one Foundation to give competition statscan to Celeiro "is a saying" the Celeiro bankruptcy to avoid have to give the results of Gestin thousand managed to have flown more than 60 million euros, but turned to the Corua, well, the Foundation recently mounted in La Coruña (FRENSS) whose activity is doubled with Celeiro, is mounted in a conference whose extraordinary project Palexco says "I and Econmica CONGRESS SOCIAL statscan SUSTAINABILITY OF FISHERIES" A Coruña, 6 and November 7, 2013. Says pamphlet that we have "endiado" or what is the same thing with money paid p

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Despois of all public Servizos cuts you to give up 67 years xubilación idade of years, a labor refo

SPANISH STATE Andalusia | Asturias | Galiza | Basque Country | Madrid | WORLD Catalan Countries Argentina | Asia | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Cuba | United States | Europe | M. East | Mexico | Venezuela
11/09/2013 [Gal / Cast] Saving as Boarding houses! x CNT Galiza :: Ms articles of this author / or: CNT unions, CUT, STEG, SF-INTER, COG and CGT have agreed to take to the streets in defense of pensions
I CNT unions, how many us states CUT, STEG, SF-INTER, how many us states COG E CGT, Sair agreed to Rua das defense capacities Principais nas Boarding houses in Galicia, in Manifestacions baixo or slogan "Save as Boarding houses" that levarán out or Saturday 9 nas novembro poboacións of A Coruña (12:30 h. Praza of Portugal.), Santiago de Compostela (11:30 h. Porta do Camino) and Ourense (11h. Social Seguridade Building, San Lazaro Park), and in Vigo or day 21 novembro (20h. Praza Fernando or Catholic).
Despois of all public Servizos cuts you to give up 67 years xubilación idade of years, a labor reform that allows or free e demais despedimento Sexual Assault against traballadora class, this Goberno hurl a woody polas insostibilidade how many us states Boarding houses do alleging or second or report system duns "experts" nomeados for this purpose.
Mentres politicians look like nun establishing how many us states xeralizada corruption system of economic patronage and cronyism that enteiro world ao fan blush, coa maioritarios pasividade two unions that do covenant how many us states fan shua means of survival, and traballadoras traballadores years, wage baixadas aplícansenos Boarding houses and castígasenos year and unemployment, desafiuzamentos years to two Servizos elimination and privatization public increasingly máis facendo nosa insostible to life.
É take them out when all ouro das suas easy chairs, how many us states to recover or woody and é are roubar us carte blanche to elites financeiras co polas issued Dunha support democracy burlesque laughed all and of all nós.
CNT unions, CUT, STEG, SF-INTER, COG and CGT, have agreed to take to the streets how many us states in defense of pensions in the main cities of Galicia, in demonstrations under the slogan "Save our pensions" to be carried out Saturday 9 November in the populations how many us states of A Coruña (12:30. Praza of Portugal), Compostela (11:30 Porta do Camino) and Ourense (11h Building Social Seguridade, San Lazaro Park), and in Vigo on 21 May (or Fernando 20h. Catholic Praza).
After all the cuts in public services, the rise in the retirement age to 67 years, the labor reform that allows free dismissal and other attacks on the working class, this Government launches into claiming our unsustainable how many us states pension system as reported by some "experts" how many us states appointed for that purpose.
As we watch as the political class in establishing a system of widespread corruption and cronyism economic how many us states privileges that make the world blush enterno, with the passivity how many us states of the majority unions that make their way to survival how many us states pact, to workers, we applicable wage and pension cuts and punishes us to unemployment, evictions, elimination and privatization of public services increasingly how many us states unsustainable our lives.
It's time to get everyone out of their armchairs gold, to take back what is ours and we are stealing letter of marque issued by financial elites support a democracy how many us states burlesque laughing at us all and all and us.
Contact La Haine :: Give us calls and activities! Spanish State | Barcelona | Basque Country | Galiza | Madrid | Salamanca | Valladolid | World

Monday, November 18, 2013

Idiotorial Local Policy and such and such ... Alen Politiquilla Indigenous Culture International Bi

MarcaEspaña: population of minnesota ou poverty or exclusion cliff acada ao 28% gives poboación "roundel Phallus
Idiotorial Local Policy and such and such ... Alen Politiquilla Indigenous Culture International Bierzo do crazy, crazy, crazy guts Partnerships and Deep As A Gorxa phrases dereita O Mundo da nosa Cociña Second Gummo Flavor doped Ti Interviews Barrio Sindema Brief Announcements
Select Month Novembro 2013 Outubro 2013 Setembro 2013 August 2013 Xullo 2013 Xuño 2013 Maio 2013 April 2013 March 2013 Febreiro 2013 Xaneiro 2013 Decembro 2012 Novembro 2012 Setembro Outubro 2012 2012 August 2012 2012 Xuño 2012 Xullo Maio 2012 April 2012 March 2012 Febreiro 2012 Xaneiro 2012 Decembro population of minnesota 2011 Novembro 2011 Setembro Outubro 2011 2011 August 2011 2011 Xuño 2011 Xullo Maio 2011 April 2011
Actualidade, information and opinion artigos Alcumes Cortello roundel roundel Ana Redondelán Galeguizar Hoxe Galicia Galicia Galicia Confidential Lenda Kaos na rede, Noite de Lua Occupational Center for Studies meiga Locais population of minnesota Obradoiro Fernando Monroy I Xenoveses To Virtually music, books, movies Praza ou Public Radio Rebellion roundel National Television do Country Terceira Information
The population at risk of poverty or social population of minnesota exclusion in Spain represents 28.2 percent of the total, according to the analysis of Eurostat data conducted by the Institute of Economic Studies (IEE) and released Tuesday.
He explains that since the beginning of the crisis in 2007, the population at risk of poverty or social exclusion has increased slightly in the European Union countries: The average of the EU-27 rose from 24.4% in 2007 to 25.0% in 2012.
The Member State with the highest poverty rate is still, however, Bulgaria, where almost half the population is at risk, followed by Romania, which has in this situation to 41.7 percent of its inhabitants. population of minnesota
Among European countries with less population at risk of poverty are Germany, Slovenia, France and Denmark with figures around 19%. In Luxembourg and Sweden the figures drop to 18%, reaching about 17% in Finland and Austria. The Czech Republic population of minnesota and the Netherlands achieved only 15% of the population is at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Do not do anything I do not like this, the artificiality of this presentation, but I

Do not do anything I do not like this, the artificiality of this presentation, but I'll try, so ... I love music more than anything ... I do not play instruments, do not sing, but I still listen to it wherever I am whatever I do. I delight in almost all musical genres besides hated disco and metal. But in my opinion, everyone listens to what he likes, population by state not bothering anyone that did not like it, because I for one can not listen. I love Polish rap, hip-hop, reggae and American pop, soul, rock, R & B Over the life of love Paktofonkię, HuczuHucz / a, GRUBSON, waist / ego ... and many, many others who have a lot to replace.
My private life is continuous curves actions ... the boys of course. I always have some stupid situations they ... and by his strange ideas. I have a lot of friends, population by state but none of this has not yet experienced the miłostkowania. Overall, I am continuously insist that it is not for me, that is no good and stuff ... This is the total of the reason, because I'm fat and ugly and stupid and the same worst things ... but my self-esteem better leave alone, I will not discuss.
I love the people that come to me to live ... I love my wonderful friends, but they are. Because without these moments of my life were to gray and sad. I do not like loneliness probably like everyone ... I like to be with someone close in a larger group, most importantly, someone was. I used the typical gray mouse, under the influence of the environment have changed. I became braver, more normal, the better ... open to new solutions. population by state I meet with them, talk, laugh, but I'm glad that you are with me also, when you do not feel good physically and mentally.
I do not have any extraordinary passions and interests ... ever wanted to dance ... I've tried an amateur, but not professionally. You really can not tell me that I'm frugal, each cash flow, quickly roztwaniam ... there's always something missing. Sometimes I feel like a defective item ... even though I know it's population by state silly. Well, how does it deal with the messed up mentality ... He is also the creation of amateur videos on various performed. Comes to me as well ... say. I'm messy, but I like to clean, but the science is not enough population by state time. For the study, it is as if the most important ... sometimes I have had enough ... finally biol-chem ...
I like to take pictures population by state ... and apply some interesting effects. I once wanted to work in radio ... and now it's I do not know, I do not want to join the ranks of the unemployed in this country, but the world simply do not know what I want ... I do not know who to be ... I'm not calling to become a doctor, but rather the choice population by state of my parents ... but that's another story, which I will not mention, population by state so let's get back to the point ... in his spare time and as starts to bug me, the typical 'luck' ... I write, though I'm not a great poet, is a way of recreation, which de-stresses me and motivation. I write about what moves me, moves my emotions ... triggered on some unusual and typical topics ...
HuczuHucz - If it were not Paktofonika - Limitless waist - I love and hate Paktofonika - Piorytety Grubson feat.Emila - We'll fix it Paktofonika - News Meter ft. Grubson - Every day Paktofonika population by state - fleeting population by state moments population by state HuczuHucz - Scream Grubson population by state - Make haste slowly / new wave

Registration of the product range Mospilan crude birth rate 20 SP underwent several times to change

Mospilan 20 SP - rational control of pests in orchards in the first half of the growing season | Arboriculture on Wave
From January 2014 integrated pest management will be the standard in all member states of the European Union. In this system, the use of plant protection products showing high efficacy against target pests, but also safe for humans and warm-blooded organisms and selective for beneficial organisms. crude birth rate Satisfies the requirements crude birth rate include Mospilan 20 SP. The broad spectrum of activity
This is a big advantage fruit farmers have long known the preparation Mospilan 20 SP. Some use it several times during the growing season for simultaneous elimination of several groups of pests. This procedure is absolutely prohibited, not only in relation to Mospilanu, but any chemical agent. Too frequent dosing of the same active ingredient may contribute to a rapid selection of pests resistant crude birth rate ras. To prevent to fight with them to choose the means of different chemical groups. The measure of a chemical group should crude birth rate not be used more than once a season, and as documented in the regulatory label.
Registration of the product range Mospilan crude birth rate 20 SP underwent several times to change. For this reason, manufacturers of fruit are sometimes a problem, at what date and to combat the pest species that can apply it. Very good term to use product Mospilan crude birth rate 20 SP is the first half of the season
vegetation. Often, during this period crude birth rate there is a need for simultaneous control of several species of pests that the measure effectively destroys. Using Mospilan 20 SP should be applicable grace period, which for apple, plum, cherry and cherry is 14 days. Apples and pears
The apple orchards in the first half of the growing season a broad spectrum of pests controlled preparation Mospilan 20 SP can be used with it immediately after flowering, after falling petals. If it is then used, in other times for pest control measures should be applied classified as other chemical groups.
Aphids are an important group of pests, which can be used to combat Mospilan 20 SP. Every year they inflict considerable damage in orchards. The largest apple orchards may cause rosy apple aphid-aphid (Fig. 1). Her feeding leads to deformation of the leaves and stems, but also causes deformation and inhibits the growth of fruit set. Therefore, the presence and abundance of care should be taken in the spring. Most rapid growth in numbers takes place immediately after flowering. For this reason, at the end of petal fall do the vetting of the presence and abundance of the aphid. If the threshold crude birth rate is exceeded harm must perform the procedure fighting.
The fight against the rosy apple aphid-aphid is not easy. Aphids are present because the highly twisted leaves, which reach the spray is very difficult. Mospilan 20 SP, which acts not only surfactants, but also deep-drawn and systemically is very effective in controlling this pest. But we must remember that the spraying carried out soon after crossing the threshold of harm before aphids strongly deform the list. In heavily damaged plant tissues crude birth rate active transport is much more difficult and preparation can then be less effective.
Another aphid species occurring in orchards is apple aphid (Fig. 2). Her presence especially in young orchards are recorded throughout the growing season. Most often need to perform two or three treatments to combat this species. After the flowering almost every year is increasing its numbers. The treatment is made soon after the falling petals will effectively destroy the apple aphid.
Mospilan 20 SP in apple orchards is also recommended to combat owocnicy apple (Fig. 3). The worm is in some orchards crude birth rate every year causing significant damage. A large number of the species is noted mostly for variety 'Idared'. For monitoring owocnicy apple used white sticky traps. They should be placed in an orchard in a pink flower bud stage. If at the end of flowering average yield on one trap to 20 individuals this means that the harm threshold has been exceeded, and treatment should be carried out fighting. Spraying the preparation made Mospilan 20 SP at the end of petal fall effectively destroy the pest. At the same time fights in the orchard species of leaf miners, especially toczyka gruszowiaczka (Fig. 4). In recent years, it occurs rather locally and in small numbers, but the monitoring of its presence should be carried out each year. Plums
In the early growing season Mospilan 20 SP can also be used in the simultaneous plum orchards

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I took it as just such a passion for music had for a long time, and then I started to write poetry

I took it as just such a passion for music had for a long time, and then I started to write poetry ... thus was born the love of creating lyrics ... boundless love ... non-stop listening to rap ... although other genres too, but they rap at the forefront of it all. I was looking for a definition of their creative business .. kryponimu, alias ... art of course nationmaster ... and I 'Mospi' invented it my friend ... well and I thought it would be appropriate, because the rea ... seized nationmaster without a meaningful name - Ammonia ... with my leading name ... but somehow it did not hit me. What matters is not only the name of the message ... text message. Notoriously listen to rap ... kicks in a bit, and these texts, they are very real ... promote clean living. I make just for myself, nationmaster I do not know how to deal with emotions, and so I can at least throw your feelings ... on a piece of paper ...

Friday, November 15, 2013

actor (1) English (10) English beginner (1) records istat (1) Article (1) Article zero (1) tray (1)

Meet Francis Dumaurier, French actor living in New York
2013 (41) October (21) Flashcards # 15: nationalities Exercises 3: the demonstrative pronouns Lesson 3: possessive pronouns False friends (D L) Exercise # 2: Be in this Expression 11: A piece of cake Lesson # 2: Be at this say hello and goodbye, and formally istat informed ... Exercise # 1: Articles Flashcards # 12: Tiny creatures istat Flashcards # 11: Cleaning Flashcards istat # 10: The clothes CV in English idiomatic phrase 10: Bottoms up * Sheet vocabulary No 9: The Hair Win 1 year stay in Canada idiomatic istat expression 9: To dress to kill Revise English with P'tites istat Hens and wins ... Flashcards 8: utensils professiona ... False friends (A to C) Lesson 1: Articles in September (20)
actor (1) English (10) English beginner (1) records istat (1) Article (1) Article zero (1) tray (1) English tray (1) Bachelor (1) be (2) be to weigh (2) bottoms up (1) what is the English cake (1) is an English children's game (1) canada (1) hair in English (1) cleaning (1) clothes (1) countries (1) Kitchen (1 ) gulp in English (1) English CV (1) CV English (1) dress (1) English interview (1) English vocabulary (13) survey (1) Maintenance (1) interview (1) interview in English (1) Europe (1) English exam (1) exams (1) exercise (3) English exercises (3) English exercises corrected (3) expats (2) expats (2) idioms (11) form grammar ( 1) flashcards (13) France (3) francis DuMaurier (1) french expats istat (2) Grammar (1) Grammar (1) greetins in English (1) hair (1) haircut (1) hairstyle (1) interview in English (1) interviex (1) contests (2) job in English (1) kitchen (1) languages (1) lessons (3) household in English (1) new york (1) newcastle (1) nyc ( 1) English Country (1) piece of cake (1) demonstrative pronouns (2) English demonstrative pronouns (2) prepositions (1) travels (1) tutorials (1) uk (1) usa (1) utensils in English (1) verbs (3) vocabulary (15) vocabulary (13) vocabulary in picture (11) clothing istat in English (1) clothing in English (1) yann mualu (1) Education (1) angais test (1)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

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