The BNG order a Plenum of the Xunta urging Deputación let Pediatric Surgery The Government of Ourense Ourense Deputation faces a motion Friday asking the BNG Xunta urge to reverse its decision to unify Pediatric Surgery Vigo . Nationalists propose to ask the Xunta Deputación "continuing care" in Ourense as it has existed until now, and deny validity to the argument that manages to move Sergas pediatric interventions population dynamics to Vigo
The Group BNG on Deputation of Ourense announced Thursday it will take the regular October plenary session population dynamics to be held on Friday, a motion that asked to call on the Regional Government to reverse the decision to join the service in the health area of Pediatric Surgery Vigo Ourense. population dynamics Nationalists and collect the sentiments of the public during these last days, manifestly contrary to the decision of the Ministry of health of the Xunta de Galicia.
The motion raises the Plenary Deputación population dynamics urge the Xunta de Galicia to, immediately, hire the need to maintain a service of Ourense Hospital Complex that this city has so far been providing medical staff. The BNG speaks of "continuing care" in this service, Pediatric Surgery, in "all to care and pediatric actividade cirúrxica and so all activitie to care and develop sen cirúrxica is poida NEEDS to refer patients to outras health areas."
Despite the data that the Sergas ensuring population dynamics that in Ourense has been producing a steady reduction in the child population, the Provincial BNG Group argues that the ultimate purpose of the Xunta "é a máis na do step empeoramento planned population dynamics path do Servizo Galego de Saúde ", and that the action was actually taken to" optimize resources, "or because of" reducing child poboación ". But to consummate population dynamics the "estratéxico impairment" that results in "do increase private business."
TODAY ONE YEAR AGO 25, THURSDAY Manuel Baltar emphasizes the improvement of almost 1 point on the results of PP 21-O in respect of 2012 Republishing bipartite in the capital with AGE and BNG would be doubtful, because "they are like Cain and Abel, "says City Council population dynamics of Ourense Baltar The maximum force law allowing salary payments in case of low Benestar da Xunta intended máis 500,000 euros to 9 in 29 emprego obradoiros of Ourense concellos The People of San Martino also accuses crisis but trust exceed population dynamics 6,000 runners in Ourense
The Group BNG on Deputation of Ourense announced Thursday it will take the regular October plenary session population dynamics to be held on Friday, a motion that asked to call on the Regional Government to reverse the decision to join the service in the health area of Pediatric Surgery Vigo Ourense. population dynamics Nationalists and collect the sentiments of the public during these last days, manifestly contrary to the decision of the Ministry of health of the Xunta de Galicia.
The motion raises the Plenary Deputación population dynamics urge the Xunta de Galicia to, immediately, hire the need to maintain a service of Ourense Hospital Complex that this city has so far been providing medical staff. The BNG speaks of "continuing care" in this service, Pediatric Surgery, in "all to care and pediatric actividade cirúrxica and so all activitie to care and develop sen cirúrxica is poida NEEDS to refer patients to outras health areas."
Despite the data that the Sergas ensuring population dynamics that in Ourense has been producing a steady reduction in the child population, the Provincial BNG Group argues that the ultimate purpose of the Xunta "é a máis na do step empeoramento planned population dynamics path do Servizo Galego de Saúde ", and that the action was actually taken to" optimize resources, "or because of" reducing child poboación ". But to consummate population dynamics the "estratéxico impairment" that results in "do increase private business."
TODAY ONE YEAR AGO 25, THURSDAY Manuel Baltar emphasizes the improvement of almost 1 point on the results of PP 21-O in respect of 2012 Republishing bipartite in the capital with AGE and BNG would be doubtful, because "they are like Cain and Abel, "says City Council population dynamics of Ourense Baltar The maximum force law allowing salary payments in case of low Benestar da Xunta intended máis 500,000 euros to 9 in 29 emprego obradoiros of Ourense concellos The People of San Martino also accuses crisis but trust exceed population dynamics 6,000 runners in Ourense
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