Sunday, November 17, 2013

Do not do anything I do not like this, the artificiality of this presentation, but I

Do not do anything I do not like this, the artificiality of this presentation, but I'll try, so ... I love music more than anything ... I do not play instruments, do not sing, but I still listen to it wherever I am whatever I do. I delight in almost all musical genres besides hated disco and metal. But in my opinion, everyone listens to what he likes, population by state not bothering anyone that did not like it, because I for one can not listen. I love Polish rap, hip-hop, reggae and American pop, soul, rock, R & B Over the life of love Paktofonkię, HuczuHucz / a, GRUBSON, waist / ego ... and many, many others who have a lot to replace.
My private life is continuous curves actions ... the boys of course. I always have some stupid situations they ... and by his strange ideas. I have a lot of friends, population by state but none of this has not yet experienced the miłostkowania. Overall, I am continuously insist that it is not for me, that is no good and stuff ... This is the total of the reason, because I'm fat and ugly and stupid and the same worst things ... but my self-esteem better leave alone, I will not discuss.
I love the people that come to me to live ... I love my wonderful friends, but they are. Because without these moments of my life were to gray and sad. I do not like loneliness probably like everyone ... I like to be with someone close in a larger group, most importantly, someone was. I used the typical gray mouse, under the influence of the environment have changed. I became braver, more normal, the better ... open to new solutions. population by state I meet with them, talk, laugh, but I'm glad that you are with me also, when you do not feel good physically and mentally.
I do not have any extraordinary passions and interests ... ever wanted to dance ... I've tried an amateur, but not professionally. You really can not tell me that I'm frugal, each cash flow, quickly roztwaniam ... there's always something missing. Sometimes I feel like a defective item ... even though I know it's population by state silly. Well, how does it deal with the messed up mentality ... He is also the creation of amateur videos on various performed. Comes to me as well ... say. I'm messy, but I like to clean, but the science is not enough population by state time. For the study, it is as if the most important ... sometimes I have had enough ... finally biol-chem ...
I like to take pictures population by state ... and apply some interesting effects. I once wanted to work in radio ... and now it's I do not know, I do not want to join the ranks of the unemployed in this country, but the world simply do not know what I want ... I do not know who to be ... I'm not calling to become a doctor, but rather the choice population by state of my parents ... but that's another story, which I will not mention, population by state so let's get back to the point ... in his spare time and as starts to bug me, the typical 'luck' ... I write, though I'm not a great poet, is a way of recreation, which de-stresses me and motivation. I write about what moves me, moves my emotions ... triggered on some unusual and typical topics ...
HuczuHucz - If it were not Paktofonika - Limitless waist - I love and hate Paktofonika - Piorytety Grubson feat.Emila - We'll fix it Paktofonika - News Meter ft. Grubson - Every day Paktofonika population by state - fleeting population by state moments population by state HuczuHucz - Scream Grubson population by state - Make haste slowly / new wave

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