Saturday, November 9, 2013

By constant jurisprudence, French judges have always ruled the provisions contrary to international

Home News Arguments - Educ Program Advocate Pop Who are we? Seen elsewhere Press Contact Not to the exclusion of 11 nationalities world facts the right to marry!
The Department of Justice, in a circular dated 29 May 2013, wanted to clarify the applicability of the law of 17 May 2013 opening marriage and adoption to couples of the same sex. However, recalling the existence of bilateral agreements and giving the list of 11 countries that are concerned, the circular violates the principle of equality for over 200 years as the foundation of our republic, the law of May 17 on the marriage had just extended the understanding and scope.
By constant jurisprudence, French judges have always ruled the provisions contrary to international public policy bilateral agreements (for example when a strict application of these agreements require the conversion to Islam of a French wishing to marry a Moroccan Muslim) .
If the Department of Justice wanted to recall the existence of these agreements (but the list is compiled of questionable relevance, grossly unfair to Algeria, Tunisia, and Laos, and Cambodia and questionable for the countries of Former Yugoslavia), he should have pointed out that the principle of equality world facts and non-discrimination against same-sex couples is essential to French international public policy, and that it is not the officers of civil status prohibit such marriages. The situation created by this circular is to get the affected world facts couples have to assert their rights in court, so that this situation could have been easily avoided.
The Left Party is calling on the government quickly restore equality in fact and thus enable everyone to be able to marry freely, whatever world facts their nationality.
11 nationalities excluded: Algeria Bosnia and Herzegovina Cambodia world facts Laos Morocco Kosovo Serbia Montenegro Poland Slovenia Tunisia SOCIAL NETWORKS
INTERNATIONAL Greece ERT: austéritaire repression, world facts the Greek government must fall!
Closure of the ERT: not to austéritaire repression. The Greek government must fall! In June 2013, the Greek conservative and social-liberal government had imposed the closure of the ERT, audiovisual and radio channel world facts ... The Left Party, 20-22 rue Doudeauville, 75018 Paris Legal, credit and sources Site

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