Thursday, November 21, 2013

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11/05/2013 [Gal / Cast] A Announces CIG das mobilizacións against reform unha Boarding houses x CIG :: Ms articles of this author / or: Campaign launched wot statistics by the IGC meetings and demonstrations in all districts against pension reform
Or Secretary xeral gives IGC Seixo Suso, eo gives trade union representative not do Estado CES, Luis Burgos, comparecían this press Rolda mana to analyze or scope gives Boarding houses das reform intends to adopt or ruled by Mariano Rajoy before auction or year and present post-up campaign pola trade union, wot statistics which includes asembleas and Manifestacions in all districts or vindeiro wot statistics as novembro 14.
For this reform to cause unha IGC REDUCTION actuais give Boarding houses and future and aims of which is to poboación to subscription ales de Pensions massive private plans to feed or give banking business and give insurers.
A chamada "Regulatory Lei do and do Sostenibilidade Factor Appreciation Index System Boarding houses do Seguridade Social da" or substantially modify current system de Pensions artigos dous through introducing, for band or chamado unha sostenibilidade factor, wot statistics isto é condition to Boarding houses Contia give life to hope, and pola outra, wot statistics a de novo appreciation index, which eliminate wot statistics or IPC suppose as a reference for a Bathshua update.
"Paran 42 years to recover missing wot statistics or lost purchasing power that nestes six years with this formula and iso not mellor two cases, because like all variábeis as Prévisions do depend das ruled, and these are subxectivas, non know."
The secretary general of the IGC, Suso Seixo, and the representative of the trade union in the state CES, Luis Burgos, comparecían this morning at a press conference to discuss the scope of the pension reform intends to adopt the government wot statistics of Mariano Rajoy before the end of the year and present the campaign launched wot statistics by the trade union, which includes meetings and demonstrations in all districts on 14 November.
For the IGC this reform will cause a reduction of the current wot statistics and future pensions and aims of which is to the population to mass subscription private pension plans to power the business of banking and insurance. wot statistics
The called wot statistics "regulating and Sustainability Factor Appreciation Index Pensionens System of Social wot statistics Security" substantially modifies the current pension system through wot statistics two items introducem, first called sustainability factor, this is condiconar the amount of pensions to life expectancy, wot statistics and secondly, a new revalirización index, which involves removing the reference CPI for updating.
"It will take 42 years to recover the purchasing power to be lost in these six years with this formula and that in the best case, because wot statistics as all variables depend on government estimates, and these are subjective, do not know".
Hours and locations Manifestacions give Ourense: 20:00 Ás do pavillon dos Remedios. Pontevedra: 20:00 Ás da da Ferrería Praza VILAGARCIA: 20:00 da Casa do Mar Vigo: 20:00 Ás Via Norte da Compostela: 20:00 Ás da Roxa Praza Lugo: 20:00 pm Round da da Wall Ferrol: 19:30 hours Local saída do do union. Esteiro Avda La Coruna: 20:00 Vigo praza
Contact La Haine :: Give us calls and activities! Spanish State | Barcelona | Basque Country | Galiza | Madrid | Salamanca | Valladolid | World

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