Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Despois of all public Servizos cuts you to give up 67 years xubilación idade of years, a labor refo

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11/09/2013 [Gal / Cast] Saving as Boarding houses! x CNT Galiza :: Ms articles of this author / or: CNT unions, CUT, STEG, SF-INTER, COG and CGT have agreed to take to the streets in defense of pensions
I CNT unions, how many us states CUT, STEG, SF-INTER, how many us states COG E CGT, Sair agreed to Rua das defense capacities Principais nas Boarding houses in Galicia, in Manifestacions baixo or slogan "Save as Boarding houses" that levarán out or Saturday 9 nas novembro poboacións of A Coruña (12:30 h. Praza of Portugal.), Santiago de Compostela (11:30 h. Porta do Camino) and Ourense (11h. Social Seguridade Building, San Lazaro Park), and in Vigo or day 21 novembro (20h. Praza Fernando or Catholic).
Despois of all public Servizos cuts you to give up 67 years xubilación idade of years, a labor reform that allows or free e demais despedimento Sexual Assault against traballadora class, this Goberno hurl a woody polas insostibilidade how many us states Boarding houses do alleging or second or report system duns "experts" nomeados for this purpose.
Mentres politicians look like nun establishing how many us states xeralizada corruption system of economic patronage and cronyism that enteiro world ao fan blush, coa maioritarios pasividade two unions that do covenant how many us states fan shua means of survival, and traballadoras traballadores years, wage baixadas aplícansenos Boarding houses and castígasenos year and unemployment, desafiuzamentos years to two Servizos elimination and privatization public increasingly máis facendo nosa insostible to life.
É take them out when all ouro das suas easy chairs, how many us states to recover or woody and é are roubar us carte blanche to elites financeiras co polas issued Dunha support democracy burlesque laughed all and of all nós.
CNT unions, CUT, STEG, SF-INTER, COG and CGT, have agreed to take to the streets how many us states in defense of pensions in the main cities of Galicia, in demonstrations under the slogan "Save our pensions" to be carried out Saturday 9 November in the populations how many us states of A Coruña (12:30. Praza of Portugal), Compostela (11:30 Porta do Camino) and Ourense (11h Building Social Seguridade, San Lazaro Park), and in Vigo on 21 May (or Fernando 20h. Catholic Praza).
After all the cuts in public services, the rise in the retirement age to 67 years, the labor reform that allows free dismissal and other attacks on the working class, this Government launches into claiming our unsustainable how many us states pension system as reported by some "experts" how many us states appointed for that purpose.
As we watch as the political class in establishing a system of widespread corruption and cronyism economic how many us states privileges that make the world blush enterno, with the passivity how many us states of the majority unions that make their way to survival how many us states pact, to workers, we applicable wage and pension cuts and punishes us to unemployment, evictions, elimination and privatization of public services increasingly how many us states unsustainable our lives.
It's time to get everyone out of their armchairs gold, to take back what is ours and we are stealing letter of marque issued by financial elites support a democracy how many us states burlesque laughing at us all and all and us.
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