Opinion we really live in a social state of law, truly democratic Cronica3.com A Mariña - coast of Lugo - Lugo coast gives information
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Judge acquits all accused of causing ecological tragedy off the coast of Galicia Prestige, which by the way this has been today, most experienced environmental disaster in Spain. ETA prisoners who have committed the most heinous what is population crimes are being released, along with other dangerous common criminals. The ERE of Andalusia and Bárcenas case, dot daily politicians both the PSOE and the PP, in addition to prominent trade unionists. Thousands basely cheated by fraud Preferred; evictions everywhere; unemployment in crescendo as all this, the triumphalist corifeo some ministers and Montoro, etc.. To top it, a whole Attorney General, publicly expressed his joy, the non-imputation of a fixed and known Infanta of Spain, as evidenced by his staggering statements on the same subject, all other Mr. Prosecutor, this Again, the Fiscal Corruption, and what is already grotesque verging on the ridiculous, has been a recent television what is population appearance what is population of the former judge and all former Minister of Justice and now mayor of Zaragoza, Mr. Bellot, who without what is population compunction-thing it is your right, missing what is population more-he told viewers that in the case of the Infanta, he does not see any evidence for it to be charged, and that he did not impute judge. what is population
Before the rosary litany of nonsense, the question arises: Do we really live in the territory of a social state of law in which govern a democratic system, or we are immersed in fact, a kind of "Republic Patatera" that and stinks? what is population ... Ask about other logical and coherent at this point in the "movie" where the current party politics, and we certainly do not fit, we are seeing day by day, will sequester politically and socially speaking, true and real democracy citizens of a country that despite all the sorrow, continuous calling Spain.
As Galician, I shall, exposed above, to give my opinion on the larger macro trial held in Galicia. It lasted eight months, 400 hours in 89 sessions, with 204 statements what is population of witnesses and experts. Despite which, there have been many environmental and social organizations have been reporting, that have not been sitting on the dock, policy makers weather the magna Prestige tragedy that turned a thick mourning what is population occurred of black tar, coasts and beaches of our beautiful Galicia, generating pollution what is population and death of species everywhere, with consequent negative economic impact for those who always pay the price, because of the incompetence and numerous inadequacies of those others besides not pay anything, get away from "buttered" in our as "exemplary" and "exemplary" democracy (). Among the notable absentees in the macro trial, was not the former Minister of Public Works then, Francisco Alvarez Cascos, or self Mariano Rajoy, to remember at that time of the tragedy, serving as Deputy Prime Minister. The trial judge himself acknowledged at the time that, "many players missing." Given this statement, one can only say that of: "Switch off".
The judgment rendered indigestible, even despite its Indigestibility recounts no hint of modesty, which recognizes the serious damage suffered our shores, since the same 63,000 tonnes of fuel from the worst quality and most damaging were poured, which ocasionaron170 .000 toxic waste along some 2,900 kilometers of coastline and beaches affected about 1,117. That's what caused those famous "threads of clay" leaving Prestige hull. Remember him? Despite all this, the wise authors of so unusual and quirky judgment, assure us that, "there is no criminal liability," since "no one knows the exact cause of the failure," and another on top of their findings follows: " the difficulty of attributing specific responsibilities and failure what is population to investigate in detail some issues, "but that if it considers it proven that there was a structural failure in the oil for a" poor maintenance ". "The company that owns the ship knew that conditions were not right but he or
.: Home Opinion Brief Chronicle Politics Sports what is population Media Máis Servizos Indicators comarcais Bag Sweepstakes Results Quinielas LF / LFS Programming Tv meteorolóxica Pasatempos Contact what is population Info Video Library Publicidade
Judge acquits all accused of causing ecological tragedy off the coast of Galicia Prestige, which by the way this has been today, most experienced environmental disaster in Spain. ETA prisoners who have committed the most heinous what is population crimes are being released, along with other dangerous common criminals. The ERE of Andalusia and Bárcenas case, dot daily politicians both the PSOE and the PP, in addition to prominent trade unionists. Thousands basely cheated by fraud Preferred; evictions everywhere; unemployment in crescendo as all this, the triumphalist corifeo some ministers and Montoro, etc.. To top it, a whole Attorney General, publicly expressed his joy, the non-imputation of a fixed and known Infanta of Spain, as evidenced by his staggering statements on the same subject, all other Mr. Prosecutor, this Again, the Fiscal Corruption, and what is already grotesque verging on the ridiculous, has been a recent television what is population appearance what is population of the former judge and all former Minister of Justice and now mayor of Zaragoza, Mr. Bellot, who without what is population compunction-thing it is your right, missing what is population more-he told viewers that in the case of the Infanta, he does not see any evidence for it to be charged, and that he did not impute judge. what is population
Before the rosary litany of nonsense, the question arises: Do we really live in the territory of a social state of law in which govern a democratic system, or we are immersed in fact, a kind of "Republic Patatera" that and stinks? what is population ... Ask about other logical and coherent at this point in the "movie" where the current party politics, and we certainly do not fit, we are seeing day by day, will sequester politically and socially speaking, true and real democracy citizens of a country that despite all the sorrow, continuous calling Spain.
As Galician, I shall, exposed above, to give my opinion on the larger macro trial held in Galicia. It lasted eight months, 400 hours in 89 sessions, with 204 statements what is population of witnesses and experts. Despite which, there have been many environmental and social organizations have been reporting, that have not been sitting on the dock, policy makers weather the magna Prestige tragedy that turned a thick mourning what is population occurred of black tar, coasts and beaches of our beautiful Galicia, generating pollution what is population and death of species everywhere, with consequent negative economic impact for those who always pay the price, because of the incompetence and numerous inadequacies of those others besides not pay anything, get away from "buttered" in our as "exemplary" and "exemplary" democracy (). Among the notable absentees in the macro trial, was not the former Minister of Public Works then, Francisco Alvarez Cascos, or self Mariano Rajoy, to remember at that time of the tragedy, serving as Deputy Prime Minister. The trial judge himself acknowledged at the time that, "many players missing." Given this statement, one can only say that of: "Switch off".
The judgment rendered indigestible, even despite its Indigestibility recounts no hint of modesty, which recognizes the serious damage suffered our shores, since the same 63,000 tonnes of fuel from the worst quality and most damaging were poured, which ocasionaron170 .000 toxic waste along some 2,900 kilometers of coastline and beaches affected about 1,117. That's what caused those famous "threads of clay" leaving Prestige hull. Remember him? Despite all this, the wise authors of so unusual and quirky judgment, assure us that, "there is no criminal liability," since "no one knows the exact cause of the failure," and another on top of their findings follows: " the difficulty of attributing specific responsibilities and failure what is population to investigate in detail some issues, "but that if it considers it proven that there was a structural failure in the oil for a" poor maintenance ". "The company that owns the ship knew that conditions were not right but he or
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