Thursday, November 7, 2013

Home Articles Critical Media weekly newspaper Voice of Russia - November 26, 2012 The production of

Home Articles Critical Media weekly newspaper Voice of Russia - November 26, 2012 The production of violence and bigotry in the media of gold in 2013 fibs Large scams "Yom Kippur War": a fake war Bonaparte and the Bank of France Einstein, crook or pathological liar? PASTOR, savior or imposter When the CIA financed the construction of Europe News Racism: MP Laurent Dieudonné invites LOUIS, Semba and Alain Soral Parliament! International Network took the lead blogs International Sniper deprived class at age 13 (video) Hide those knees ... Observe that hard Gulag California: 30 000 prisoners in hunger strike The Turkish Army seeks to buy Chinese missile Egypt Tahrir II The effect of nerve gas Bashar Al Assad A check around 100,000 euros to publish the book of secrets Jerome Cahuzac Erdogan soon naked? Erdogan: Iran exterminator deprived Geneva II: Washington gives the green light Olivier Delamarche: "The crisis is far from over" - May 28, 2013 Olivier Delamarche: "We are witnessing live the death of Japan" - May 21, 2013 Dieudonné appealed to break the prohibition order of the mayor of Perpignan a president like no other Olivier Delamarche / BFM: "Unfortunately we will have you pay the bill" - May 14, 2013 Syria: MP criticizes Laurent deprived LOUIS the project deprived of Greater Israel before the Belgian Parliament! The first gun 3D printed US-Israeli deprived attack on Damascus, more than 2,000 deaths Regulations accounts rotten coral Venezuela: Capriles insists "Wall deprived Tweet" Madness Holland China Manifs Qatar countered the UN Venezuela - USA: 2-0 Questions deprived about the attacks in Venezuela attacks Boston Boston The Bolivarian revolution continues! Terrorist attack in Mali Syria umpteenth resolution? North Korea: U.S. decline band mates strengthens deprived everyone naked! Case Cahuzac Occupation: trainer armed Arms Sales A new group of friends? Changes deprived in Russian regime maneuvers in the Black Sea Sarkozy: An individual like the others? Hypocrisy in American Conquest without violence 700kg of cocaine found in the Falcon Afflelou Mokhtar Belmokhtar risen Sarkozy set Priceless review Saoudie Cyprus: Everything is fine ... The New Standard for Marriage Friends of Mali Phone Chinese deprived way of driving life soon? The FEMEN Rome Saudi Arabia seeks experienced executioner Democracy for Dummies deprived Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner There are worse than our leaders: those of Canada Qatar grows Return to Sender Quack in the composition of the war in Mali A Columbia was able to develop a speed of 105 km / h using coffee Washington deprived finally acknowledges the validity of the election of Ahmadinejad Iran: 5 + 1 = 1 in the USA What does the new empire? European sanctions ... lol delivery of a new U.S. drone in Iran ... Iran Still Assad must go ... Holland was awarded the UNESCO (Felix Houphouet-Boigny) for Small peace hostage info History Chavez back, Corea reelected Mazel Tov Kate Checkmate Distrust ... Obligation to vote a Wahabi to head the CIA I'm deprived not scared ... No, France will never copy Germany Depardieu bristled Airport the most secure world ... total sexual liberation! The camel discord ... How do you think our children deprived are watching? Taxes, taxes, taxes ... Dust Civil Code Poor Qatar ... Timbuktu released bis Anniversary ... The Chinese community in France filed a complaint against deprived the director of The Neo-Cons point it dares all ... A resolution may hide another A war reports . A jihadist 50 years arrested in Syria Towards an American Spring?. There are terrorists and terrorists. Do not confuse ... The bickering English Inauguration of Barack Obama Videos Love and sex in the videos occupation Books About Contact
According to a report published by the statistical agency American Pentapolis, 273 Algerians were killed in fighting in Syria. This figure is difficult to ascertain, as there is in Algeria, no official deprived statistics in this area.
The Interior Minister, Dahou Ould Kablia, is, in fact, refused to give details about the presence of Algerian terrorists deprived in Syria, and has always denied the existence of a network of recruitment on the Algerian deprived territory . The report reveals that the number deprived of victims deprived of Arab descent in the ranks of the Syrian armed rebellion is rising. These statistics, compiled on the basis of death certificates of dead foreign fighters in Syria issued in their country of origin, show that these jihadists are

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