Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cooperation without killing bureaucracy Almost australia gdp all documentary festivals are faced wi

Seven documentary festivals cooperate in Doc Alliance to raise awareness of the documentary across national borders in Europe. The members solve common challenges in a loose and creative australia gdp networking and alliance among other things thrown a streaming portal and a new film by itself.
26/01/2014 | DOCUMENTARY | "We all need friends. australia gdp International friends. The distributors, festival directors and documentary filmmakers know this, "said Czech Diana Tabakov to magazine Europe.
She is purchasing in the phenomenon of cooperation Doc Alliance, which arose more than five years ago, when the directors of documentary film festivals in Denmark, Poland, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Germany australia gdp went on to run into each other at festivals and other events.
"They were aware of a number of issues, they all fought. How to create awareness of first-run movies? Which direction should the festival program be? How to create a festival identity? "Says Diana Tabakov.
The Danish factor in Doc Alliance's documentary film festival CPH: DOX, as one of the five original australia gdp festivals helped to start the network. australia gdp Since the partnership was expanded australia gdp to include new members from France and later Portugal.
Portal to Europe One of the challenges Doc Alliance is set in the world to face, is that it can be difficult for documentaries with particular artistic character australia gdp to reach out to a wider audience. Diana Tabakov says that it is not unusual for a documentary in the Czech Republic only sell maybe 600 tickets.
Therefore driver Doc Alliance streaming portal dafilms.com where approx. 95 per cent. of the more than 800 films are European. The portal is an important part of the network, which is regularly composed 'online events'. It brings together films from a specific country or theme involved and movies from the participating countries' respective festivals promoted.
There is growing interest in dafilms.com. australia gdp The number of paying visits doubled annually and the number of screenings increases by 300 percent a year. The portal provides narrow film a chance to reach out to a larger audience than usual. Program Adds at CPH: DOX Mads Mikkelsen highlights australia gdp the example that a retrospective of the experimental French director Agnès Vardas film last year was streamed by 25,000 people.
Gateway connects participants year round. In addition, meet representatives from CPH: DOX, Doclisboa, DOK Leipzig, australia gdp FID Marseille, Jihlava IDFF, Planete Doc FF and Visions du Reel Nyon continuously to each other and other festivals and events.
Partners creates visibility Collaboration with other festivals in Doc Alliance for CPH: DOX led to a broader vision and greater sensitivity to new trends in European documentaries, says Mads Mikkelsen to magazine Europe.
Transnational cooperation also provides opportunities for media support from the EU, for instance, australia gdp to operate the portal. Also saw the Portuguese festival DocLisboa recently that cooperation in Doc Alliance made it easier to achieve national cultural subsidies, as the festival now better meet the requirement to publicize Portuguese film outside the country, says Diana Tabakov.
"We focus on a select few things and then we can make a few new priorities such as Doc Selection, where common selected films touring the participants festivals. Thus, Danish or Czech instructors get their films shown in countries where they would normally find it difficult to be selected and displayed, and thus, a local film get its own festivalliv. "
An example of this is the Portuguese film Captivity. Mads Mikkelsen says that the film did not initially reached at CPH: DOX festival program for 2012. But because of the film's participation in Doc Selection decided to include the film festival in 2013. Thus were Danish moviegoers the opportunity to see the film, which in 2013 won the Doc Alliance Award - the alliance's own documentary Award given in connection with the Cannes Film Festival.
Cooperation without killing bureaucracy Almost australia gdp all documentary festivals are faced with similar financial and public relations problems, and many others from the current members of the alliance can see the benefit of cooperation. Surprisingly, many, according to Diana Tabakov.
"Our ambition is not to become bigger and bigger. Festival Directors will meet for two days once a year, and just it's almost australia gdp impossible when the constant arrival of more people, "says Diana Tabakov about the logistical challenges that are also associated with cooperation.
"All the festivals in the case that administration and bureaucracy is a necessary evil, but you really want is to show the film and create a place where people can watch movies, discuss them and share ideas. The more you can use your time and energy on it, the better. "
Instead of a large organization, where many of you will be heard and have their ideas on the agenda, see Diana Tabakov rather,

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