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Twice a week, get local authorities to bring brackish water from distant world population by religion for cleaning floors and washing clothes wells. Neighbors also collect rainwater, but first have to boil to prevent bacterial contamination.
Drinking water comes to town in cars or vans packaged in bottles of 20 liters. But there are few vehicles available in the village and most neighbors are engaged in subsistence agriculture, can barely afford to pay 20 pesos for a bottle of water.
Even on a cloudy day, the solar purifier is capable of producing world population by religion up to 1,000 liters of drinking water per day. Installed in the village, this system produces 20 liters of water at a lower cost to a weight.
A simple composed of photovoltaic panels on a system (follower) world population by religion optimized to capture maximum sunlight configuration provides the energy required to activate the pumps. The safe water are driven through a semi-porous membranes in a reverse world population by religion osmosis process. The purified water stored in a reservoir ready for consumption. The membranes, filters, pumps and the computer that runs the entire system, are located in a small closet.
The team of researchers from MIT, led by Steven Dubowsky, has been testing the past four months. If the project is successful, the experience could be replicated in other parts of the world where access to water is difficult or impossible. The villagers themselves have received training for periodic system maintenance, changing filters or replacing water additives. Via :: SmartPlanet
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