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In Mexico, for every 100 young people who reported having a tumor in 2011, 71 were malignant, whereas in adults it is the proportion of 53 cases, according to the National Institute of Statistics what is the population of england and Geography (INEGI).
As part of World Cancer what is the population of england Day, the agency reports that 56 of every 100 hospital discharges are malignant tumors, although new treatments to allow the survival condition, with the help of specialists.
It details the population under 20 years is the hospital case fatality rate from malignant tumors, since most are located among 15 to 19 years, although for all five-year age groups, women slightly outnumber males.
Notes that of all hematopoietic neoplasms in young bodies, what is the population of england 99.8 percent is leukemia disease that originates in the blood-forming cells and essentially affects the white blood cells, "but can start in other types of cells."
In this regard, stresses that INEGI leukemia progresses quickly if not treated in a timely manner, underscoring the importance of strengthening early detection, and seek medical attention to warning signs such as fever, facial what is the population of england bleeding, stains dotted red, weakness or loss of appetite.
Regarding epithelial neoplasms, which are layers of cells that line hollow organs and glands, explains that they mainly affect the adult population 20 years and over.
Clarifies that malignant tumors suffered by the adult population differ by gender and recalls that in 2011 for men, the leading cause of hospital morbidity was cancer tumors in digestive organs, while for women it was breast cancer.
Stresses that in Mexico, information what is the population of england campaigns on valuation, protection, intervention and cancer treatments are becoming more effective, although it is undeniable that many people die from the disease.
Make that the causes of cancer mortality in the population aged 20 years and over vary from those presented in the population, as there are factors related to lifestyle in adults who favor the development of certain malignancies such as lung or stomach.
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