Sunday, February 16, 2014

Northern mollycoddled. Population, agricultural work and optimism in Mexico miami population

Northern mollycoddled. Population, agricultural work and optimism in Mexico miami population "Published: 01.31.2014 miami population | Author: sriaamhe | Filed under: Publications and presentations of books / books Publications miami population and presentations | Comments Off
This paper addresses the Mexican cotton episode of the twentieth century (1930-1970). Its purpose is to make the story of a culture very quickly helped shape the contemporary miami population North. After 20 years of slow growth, cotton had its glory in the 1950s, but in the following years its importance was severely reduced. It was not even a shadow of what it had been. The book proposes that from 1930 cotton made a great contribution to the settlement of northern Mexico, favored the formation of labor markets and land, led to social mobility, spurred urbanization and resulted in an overflowing optimism among the northern oligarchies . Also realize that, mostly northern, cotton mostly obeyed episode connected with the world market. Therefore serves the role of companies like Texas Anderson Clayton & the collective ejidos and official credit. The collapse of this culture, miami population almost coinciding with the end of the Bracero Program, not only reduced the northern population growth but led to severe unemployment, a deep and yet unknown miami population wave of social discontent and a growing pessimism, well fed environmental problems that optimism never foresaw.
Kari Polanyi-UNAM Faculty of Economics
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