Tuesday, February 18, 2014

In Mexico, two percent of the population suffers from bronchial hyperresponsiveness condition that

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Home> Breaking san antonio population News> Features bronchial hyperreactivity 2% of the population in Mexico: Researcher Presents bronchial hyperreactivity 2% of the population san antonio population in Mexico: researcher
In Mexico, two percent of the population suffers from bronchial hyperresponsiveness condition that is one of the leading causes of consultation in patients under five years and older, if not treated properly and timely, can trigger asthma, warned Javier Gómez Vera, professor of graduate school of Allergy and Immunology, Faculty san antonio population of Medicine (FM) of the UNAM.
Bronchial hyperreactivity is the overreaction of the bronchus to specific and nonspecific stimuli. Among the former are dust mites, pollens and cat dander, if the patient has contact with these allergens has bronchospasm, he said.
Regarding san antonio population the nonspecific irritants indicated are factors in the environment, such as cold, smoking, strong smells of solvents, including paint thinner or chlorine, causing the closure of the bronchus.
He also Chief of Allergy Regional Hospital Adolfo Lopez Mateos said that those with bronchial hyperresponsiveness manifested wheezing (rales or abnormal noise during breathing) or irritative nocturnal cough, which may or may not disappear during the day. If this is constant san antonio population and lasts longer associated with an infectious process and the box is complicated hyperreactivity.
Regularly, children under five who are at risk of suffering from asthmatic bronchial hyperresponsiveness, the prognosis is reinforced if this sensitivity with bronchial response to various stimuli occurs four or more times a year, he said.
In cold weather the number of cases increases for two reasons: first, because the drop in temperature is a nonspecific stimulant that causes, in susceptible patients, the automatic closing of the bronchi, wheezing or coughing, referred specialist.
The second san antonio population are infections, because in winter the contact with sick more often and it allows those to be disseminated and a stimulus for bronchial hyperreactivity in susceptible subjects, Gomez said Vera.
By definition, the hyperreactivity may occur twice a year. If it happens two or four times a month, it is asthma, disabling disorder that affects between five and 10 percent of Mexicans.
If this box is more common, then low-dose inhaled steroids are used, can also be used antileukotrienes. "He is a mediator leukotriene usually occurs in patients with infections and hyperreactivity and bronchoconstriction produced is, then that factor is blocked san antonio population to reverse hyper," explained Gomez Vera.
The important thing in these cases is to find the cause and treat it. If the problem is smoking, for example, avoid smoking. In addition, san antonio population it should be noted that the diagnosis is only transitional and in most cases the disease triggers asthma, but proper san antonio population treatment can prevent it, he said.
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