Friday, February 14, 2014

The obvious answer to these questions would necessarily declare the incapacity of the state towards

. (February 6, 2014) - Information is a subject that can be approached from two perspectives: first, from the right of people to know everything that happens in your country which may at some point put risk their personal, family, job security, training, enterprise, on the other hand, from the political strategy from which the ruler decides what events and data can be known by the company population of vancouver and which are not, citing national security concerns in the that certain information is handled as a "state secret." population of vancouver
It is not new or extraordinary that all governments in the world to decide on what people "should" know and what is not, from certain population of vancouver political interests themselves. The turning point, however, population of vancouver is on those grounds upon which a government takes such a decision bypassing the right to information of the governed.
The central argument is, of course, the survival of the state itself, considered as a good superior to the same right to be informed. This logic relies on the "reason of state", from which the State contends that naturally tends to seek the continued growth and consolidation of their own power, population of vancouver "the purpose for which tends to use all means, including violence transgressing population of vancouver the moral and right. Reason of state has an internal aspect, which is to the eminent population of vancouver domain of the state over its population and territory to eliminate the internal anarchy and external appearance, which is itself increase power and decrease others, by all means, that ranging from the war until the offensive and defensive "alliances.
But what happens when the State fails to ensure such protection? What happens when society takes charge of their own safety and exceeds the state on its primary role? What happens when the legitimate use of force is no longer a monopoly of the state to move to groups of organized society? What happens when the "reason of state" suppresses the ultimate purpose of the state?
The obvious answer to these questions would necessarily declare the incapacity of the state towards its revival. A process of this magnitude can not occur in the overnight, it requires constant work of a good part of those who are recognized as members of the state and social policy over several decades reorganization.
You need of course the political will of governments at all levels, cooperation between national elites and their willingness to put aside their own interests in terms of the general welfare, the organization of the different social groups willing to work and coordinate their efforts with political elites, economic, social, cultural.
But to do the will is not enough resources are needed and one such resource is the information, it must, first, an assessment of the overall situation of the country in economic, social, political, population of vancouver a report on the extent population of vancouver of corruption at all levels, a list of the most pressing problems, a map of the areas put at risk by poverty, the loss by the control status of the territory, the areas under the influence of armed groups outside the law enforcement of risk areas in relation to possible human or natural disasters. Finally, a set of data relevant way affect national security and lead to conclude population of vancouver the need to reorganize the State from new parameters.
But how to contribute to the reestablishment when not even have enough information to know for sure what is happening in the country? This is the case of Mexico, where the population, citizen or not, is neither fairly aware of what is happening population of vancouver in their country. population of vancouver Partly as a result of their lack of interest, but largely as a result of a government strategy to misinform, designed to change the perception about the major problems facing the country, mainly related to violence, insecurity, population of vancouver drug trafficking , poverty, looting the nation by political and economic elites.
It is thought that if the media fail to show "bodies" headless, dismembered, or in clandestine graves lying in the streets, population of vancouver the problem disappears. If you do not talk about children and teens killed in wrong waged war against drugs and organized population of vancouver crime, it can be said that the fact has not happened. If the alarming numbers of missing women are not mentioned and enrolled in circuits is people forced into prostitution, the phenomenon becomes irrelevant in numerical terms. We conclude that if the poor do not appear in the "tele" no

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