Thursday, February 20, 2014

Machicolation: iatrogenic unleashed

Suffers bipolar disorder 1% of the Mexican population: SSA | Al Momento News
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MEXICO CITY, Feb. 9 (Al Momento News) -. Bipolar disorder affects approximately 1% of the general population, but the prevalence rate is increased if you have relatives who have had a similar condition the future of us or more depressive symptoms , reports the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Ministry of Health.
Explain that it is a disease that is also known as manic depression, is a disorder of affect characterized by sustained periods of depression or mania. "Depression is a decrease in the normal functional capacity of the individual and mania exacerbated a state of mind."
Clarifies that feel sad or listless at times, is not depression, but there are times when it is important to identify the symptoms of depression are to guide the diagnotico.
Bipolar disorder is a disease that consists of two phases: the depressive phase and the phase of mania. In the depressive "must be submitted 5 of the following conditions for at least 2 weeks, add the body: There are feelings of sadness, listlessness, or empty. Interest in things we liked before is lost. Eat a lot or hardly eat. Trouble sleeping (sleeping a lot or almost no sleep). The movements are slow, the body feels heavy. There apathy, fatigue or low energy. There are feelings of helplessness, guilt. Decreased concentration and memory. There are constant thoughts of death and sometimes comes to suicide.
While in the manic phase totally opposite happens, the person has: An elevated and expansive mood. Racing thoughts, talking faster than usual. Overreaction to stimuli. Annoyance or trivial the future of us things simple comments. Spends money excessively large debts and contracts. Generosity. Increased self-esteem, may think it's powerful and better than others. Excess energy. Decreased the future of us need for sleep. Increased sex drive. the future of us Hallucinations or strange ideas.
Machicolation: iatrogenic unleashed
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