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The small compressed pellets that are increasingly being incinerated in Denmark come from a variety of countries where illegal logging is widespread. Eg. comes an increasing share of imports from Russia, ethnic groups which supplies around 200,000 tonnes of wood pellets to Denmark every year.
Up to 20 percent of logging in Russia is done, however, illegal and, according to the Danish educational adviser Niclas Scott Bentsen, Department of Earth Sciences and Natural Resource Management at the University, there is a widespread laundering of wood in Russia, where imported ethnic groups illegal wood is sold on with a certification stamp.
"We do not know if pellets ethnic groups are produced illegally logged timber, but we fear it, especially because Russia hardly get their wood certified by a third party or in certification schemes such as FSC and PEFC," says Niclas Scott Bentsen.
"The United Nations considers illegal logging ethnic groups primarily in the eastern part of Russia around the Caucasus and southern ethnic groups Siberia. The areas we keep ourselves from, "says Jens Price Wolf from Dong Energy, which is responsible for fuel strategy. KU researchers: Guidelines needed
The information on logging in areas around the world are gathered in a draft of a new report from the Institute ethnic groups of Earth Sciences and Natural Resource Management at the University that have not yet been made public, but the engineer saw. The report will be included in the Government's Bioenergy Analysis ethnic groups to be the basis of whether the politicians ethnic groups will undertake special initiatives to ensure the sustainability of biomass in energy supply.
The report ethnic groups describes the researchers on how forests in the Northern Hemisphere is growing, and how wood pellets are an obvious substitute for coal and natural gas. And although researchers acknowledge that CO2 emissions from wood pellets is likely to be higher than from coal in the short term, they mean that wood pellets are clearly preferable, since the pellets lowers CO2 emissions ethnic groups significantly in the long term.
"We agree with the green organizations and the industry in that we have to have some clear guidelines for imported wood pellets. It is clearly possible to ensure a supply of sustainable wood pellets to Denmark, but today the situation is that we lack assurance that the pellets are sustainable, "says professional consultant Niclas Scott Bentsen.
According to the report, it may be difficult to find evidence for the pellets from the Baltics exactly originated. Nor does it concern, however, Dong, otherwise imports 60 percent of its wood pellets from just the Baltics. According to Jens Price Wolf is Dongs suppliers required to produce permits to cut down trees in the identified areas. In addition, they must meet the EU Timber Regulation, introduced recently and to ensure that there used wood from illegal logging in products imported into the EU. Wood pellets are made of whole trees
In the southeastern United States, from Dong Energy is expected to import the vast majority of wood pellets in the future, demand has increased so much that you can no longer use just residues from an existing timber production, but - in addition to logging waste - must use logs in form of thinnings.
"The pellets are increasingly created by the trees that the paper industry planted. These are whole trees, but not a high quality product, as one instance. use for furniture, "says Niclas Scott Bentsen, expressing concern about reports of logging in biologically sensitive areas.
"With so many owners, it is extremely difficult to form a picture of how the logging takes place. Part of the five million owners have others to manage the forest, so it is a challenge to implement a certification scheme. Conversely, schemes such. FSC, SFI and ATSF way of certifying groups of owners, so it can be done, "says Niclas Scott Bentsen. KU: Naive to ignore the negative effects
The question is whether you can make agreements to ensure forest growth of 10 to 20 years, or the forest owner always ethnic groups has the option of using forest land for something else. In the latter case, the sustainability of risk as new forest will not grow up and suck the CO2 emitted to him.
"We can not give guarantees, and in the southeastern United States they would like to retain the freedom to change the forest out with something else if the market changes. Sustainability ethnic groups would be best secured by long-term agreements, but the seller and the purchaser will also fight for the right to sell and buy after which the product and the price is best, "says Niclas Scott Bentsen.
According Niclas Scott Bentsen, people probably realize that the increasing use of wood pellets in Denmark and Europe will have an adverse ef
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