Thursday, February 27, 2014

UKRAINE BLOG: Crimean parliament uk population and government buildings seized the allegedly uk pop

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Erik Rand
Although the Russian-speaking population is spreading to a number of strange rumors in relation to the advent of the euro, the Ministry of Finance confirmed that they will make the single currency work information regarding the direction of non-Estonians.
"The Russian-speaking outreach will take place in parallel with the general uk population continually eurokommunikatsiooniga, which joins the euro autumn advertising campaign messaging language media," said the Ministry of Finance Project manager Ingvar Bärenklau.
Mazur, as listed in the Russian-speaking population spreading misconceptions include, for example, that Africa can not be exchanged into euro cents, or when replaced, at a lower rate, and then corrupted the money will not be accepted. On top of one of the older narvalanna announced in December that it will replace all of your money though rubles, "because you never know."
Ministry of Finance claims that they are non-Estonian population, informing been used, and intend to continue use of all available channels - direct meetings (seminars, briefings, lectures), articles, and related topics in the media, Russian-language publications, dissemination of the Russian-speaking Euro-Info-euro website, the Consumer Protection Board, the Ministry of Finance and others. websites. As well as direct mailings of information about the Russian language, Russian-language advertising messages.
In addition, the European Commission and the Ministry of Finance prepared Estonia delivered four different information brochure on the euro, which is scheduled to be distributed particularly in Narva, Tallinn and Tartu, the euro held during the exhibition, as well as other public appearances, and public information points and bank offices.
"Just Narva Astri mall 18 August, the European Commission opened an exhibition of the euro seonduvadki number of non-Estonian population directly targeted outreach activities. The exhibition operating guides uk population who organize on-site seminars and information sharing enthusiasts explanations and information materials. This activity will continue in September when the exhibition will move to Tallinn, "said Bärenklau.
Apartment, 159,000
UKRAINE BLOG: Crimean parliament uk population and government buildings seized the allegedly uk population Russian-speaking population in the Self-Defence Force (438) Source: Russia allowed Yanukovych request to ensure his personal security (117) Tallinn paid by students in the extra hours, uk population but the only Russian-speaking children's own (187) Interior designer Hannes Praks: tarega made policy Kiev, as well as ARMAL (50) Estonian researchers discovery: predicting the death of the four markers in the blood (41) goes to the Crimea Ukrainian Security Service of the Russian armored uk population vehicles adhere to (39) people on the issues raised in the airport the plane above the tapestries (44)
17:55 Who wants to hear that die soon? (20) 17:38 UKRAINE BLOG: Crimean parliament and government buildings seized the allegedly Self-Defence Forces of the Russian population (4

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