Friday, February 7, 2014

The largest animal weight: ys = 0.0634 (1.25 x) 0.822 recommend: Property for power functions Read by 192 Potency Functions and logaritmeregneregler Read 1084 Subject Assignment of power functions Read by 666 Subject Tasks in other functions Read by 100 Mathematical models Read by 681 Alcohol and Drug Project Read by 35 Potency Functions Read by 468 Notice Collection of Mathematics A, 1 . g Read 1112 Many mathematical proofs, STX B level exam Read by 3426
New in Mathematics london population A: Help .... Have a little under 2 hours to ... (5) B: 2 equations with 2 unknowns (2) 7: Math, Geometry (4) A: Mathematics (5) C: T1 / 2 using (4) V: Taylor's formula (8) 9: Tasks probability (4 ) 9: Draw for 4 students to a selection (0) A: Have I got things right here? (6) 9: How many socks must you take a .. (2) A: Mathematics (6) C: Help equation / power functions! (3) C: Help with calculating percentages (5) A: Vektorregning determine the value of t (6) B: Mathematics b + level? (0) C 4 (x + 4) - 2 (x - 4) = 4 (x + 6) + 5x ... (4) V: Differentiation expense (3) A: HELP Differentialligniger and models (2) C: The height of a triangle london population (5) V: Rewriting the formula (2)
b) How much should an animal paths to the weight of the brain are more than 75 grams? (Have already answered = 5464.82 grams)
The largest animal weight: ys = 0.0634 (1.25 x) 0.822
You must distinguish between the y's, for example, y1 and y2 or y_stor and y_lille, but otherwise yes. Once you have calculated them, find out how many percent the largest y-value is greater than the minimum, for example by looking at the relationship london population between london population them, as in # 2
Yes - then you have the ratio of%, and then you just answer london population how much the one that is larger than the other.
1 + reputation = (1 + 0.25) 0.822 = 1.20132
reputation = 0.20132 = 20.132% 20.1%
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